I think people will wait for one of the other groups i don't think any impact willl be made. But i think if companies don't hop on blu ray to quick and keep lowering the prices of sales will go up.
Right 15 hours later MGS4 normal complete manly tears were shed.
1.I still hate rose.
Lol hey yeah turns out your kid isnt dead I'm not screwing your superior hey lets go be a happy family now!
2.Oh god BigBoss ;_; "this is good isn't it."
3.Fist fighting ocelot to snake eater"you're pretty...
Never found one try putting it in google but most of them are just sites with middle aged women and freaky men going "OH YES I'AM IN TOUCH WITH THE SPIRT WORLD AND KNOW SEVERAL GHOSTS".
Lol i know this is ******** but i don't think your going to get people to stop saying it anytime soon(ps. voiceless my arse they raise there voices when the gyro is in threatened.)
http://e3.gamespot.com/live.html?tag=to ... lk=topslot
Little late but go wild.
Nintendos confrence starts in 30 minutes
Sony starts 1t 7:30(i'm curious to see what they do now)
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