Search results

  1. S

    What Games Are You Playing?

    It's pretty hard to find these days I've heard? My best bet would be eBay really :( Aah, so now moved from Panzer Dragoon Orta, to Phoenix Wright 2 XD (And still Tales of Symphonia)
  2. S

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Just completed FFX, so moved onto Panzer Dragoon Orta & Tales of Symphonia :)
  3. S

    The PSP - Will FFVII: Crisis Core make you buy it?

    If the price for the PSP goes down, Crisis Core gets it's english release, and there are a few more good looking games on the PSP yes. Sadly as much as I love Zack (And would kill to play this game) I wouldn't get one just to play it, seems like a lot of money for just one game.
  4. S

    What you guys doing right now.

    Just got home from work, time to catch on some manga :D
  5. S

    What you guys doing right now.

    Just watched the Tsubasa RESERvoir CHRoNiCLE:Tokyo Revelations OVA (Well, the first part that came out anyway ;D) OH GOD, IT WAS SO GOOD. *A* I can't wait for the next part! And am now going to attempt to find something to make for lunch :P
  6. S

    most ANNOYING characters

    I've not seen anything past ..episode 140(ish) of the anime, and I can't actually remember much past 50 (I know, I know, I suck) but I heard that she's pretty awesome in Shippuden (Or however it's spelt, I know mine is wrong), so I shouldn't really judge, huh?
  7. S

    most ANNOYING characters

    Aww, c'mon guys, Asuka kicked ass. She was way cooler than Rei ;) (And now I wait to be bombed!) As for a character I find annoying ..uhm..Hinata from Naruto, Shinji from Evangelion, and uh, Kyle from Tsubasa RESERvoir CHRoNiCLE. Uh yeah, I have a huge list of video game charatcers that I...
  8. S

    Pics, everyone

    I SEE A TSUBASA WALLSCROLL (Aaah~ Fai&Syaoran <3) :D (Oh lol, just noticed someone commented on that too) But cute picture nonetheless :o ALSO, have a drunk picture of me! :lol: (And a friend in the background) I look demented :?
  9. S

    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    I think it's just the first game(I haven't gotten it in the mail yet), I was browsing and came across 2 other books (One of which was a 4Koma) so maybe that second book covers the second game? :D
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    The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

    Digital Devil Saga Manga Tales of the Abyss;The Score of Opening Aaah~ I can't wait to get them :D
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    Anime Central looking for UK cosplayers for TV show

    LLOYD! :o (Nice cosplay! I'm slightly off topic but okay!)
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    Anime Central looking for UK cosplayers for TV show

    They showed a clip about cosplaying once on either GamerTV or uh ...Some show about Japan hosted by a somewhat queer bloke I think (Well, I'm pretty sure, but I'm not making judgments now) and from what I remember, even though it was Japanese cosplayers, as some would have it 'the best of the...
  13. S

    First film you saw at the cinema?

    Tarzan (The Disney version)
  14. S

    What are you happy and/or pissed off about today?

    Happy - Day off! Won some doujins on eBay, and getting paid today! Pissed off - It's 70-90MPH severe gales and I have to go out later :| I also already hurt my ankle today because of the stupid wind too :(
  15. S

    What manga are you reading now?

    Earthian Vol. 1 Black Moon Silver Sun Vol. 1 Shaman King Vol. 13 Earthian & Black Moon Silver Sun were quite good I thought ...Will have to get more :D
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    Edinburgh, Inverness & Leicester; local anime-related events

    OMG WHAT Finally there is an expo type thing near me and I won't be here to go to it?! D: INVERNESS YOU FAIL. TT__TT
  17. S

    Your viewing journal

    Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann 3 - 6
  18. S

    What are you listening to Now thread.

    Skins Theme Song - Fat Segal
  19. S

    Wheres everyone based then?

    Thurso, Scotland. AKA, the very top of the British Mainland. But only for a month more ;D It's so boring here D:
  20. S

    anime character name game.

    Kurogane - Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE