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  1. M


    When MGS 4 comes out I will be getting one. Hopefully the price we be not too high then.
  2. M

    Manga Force - UK anime magazine hits national TV

    6 pages is very dissapointing, does the dvd have subs or is it dub only?
  3. M

    Any anime-like games being release soon???

    This game Project Sylpheed looks amazing but is only avalable in japan at present. I really hope it gets a uk release. ... index.html
  4. M

    European PS3 Launch delayed

    Sony treating europe like rubbish! No new news then.
  5. M

    Gaming Arrival Thread

    Got the game last sunday and love it . Finding it quite hard though. Love the japanese with subtitles option and also the way you can play the game in first person it really adds to the atmophere! :D
  6. M

    Film4 to air both dubbed and subbed Studio Ghibli movies

    This is great news, respect to film 4!
  7. M

    sony more multimedia than games

    MGS 4 is my reason for getting the ps3 . But all consouls have their share of great games.
  8. M


    Looks very cool :D
  9. M

    17th July UK anime releases

    Need to get Madlax Vol 3 as soon as possible. Nothing else of interest on the list.
  10. M

    What Games Are You Playing?

    MOTO GP 06 (XBOX 360) Table Tennis (XBOX 360) PGR 3 (XBOX 360)
  11. M

    Rockstar's Table Tennis

    Table tennis has got quite a lot of good reviews ,any one who's got an XBOX 360 i recomend they take a chance and buy it.
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    PS3 on pre- order at - £549.99 (with 3 games)

    The price is well over the top
  13. M

    Rockstar's Table Tennis

    I've got the game and love it. I think developers should take more risks and make more games like this.
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    Are you going to get a PS3

    I now don't think i be getting one. To be honest I don't think its worth the money and there are a lot more xbox 360 games in development that intrest me.
  15. M

    Are you going to get a PS3

    Probably about £425.00 for the 60GB version. The 20GB version might not come to the uk.
  16. M

    Are you going to get a PS3

    Its true is certainly not cheap certainly for a machine which in reality is only probably slightly more powerful then the xbox 360! But there are games on the XBOX 360 I want which will not be realised on the PS3 and visa versa, so i will have to get both.
  17. M

    Are you going to get a PS3

    I have have an XBOX 360 but I still can't wait to get a PS3 mainly because of Metal Gear Soild 4. But what do you think of the PS3 ? Are you going to get one despite the high price its going to cost. (£425.00 for the 60GB Version)
  18. M

    The E3 Thread

    HALO 3 AND MGS 4 hope both games deliver.
  19. M

    PSP Game Recommendations

    EDGE and Games TM both gave pursuit force 7/10. Which means they feel the game is good but not great. I would also recommed Ridge Racer if you like racing games. (As well as Wipeout Pure)