Are you going to get a PS3

Eventually, I'll somehow get it, I mean, I never thought I'd get an Xbox, PS2 AND a Gamecube but hey, now I've got all 3 o_O;
Probably like a year or 2 after its released I'll get it x3
Like most people, probally but not until its about £200. Theres still alot of games from this generation i wantto get >< Plus the 360 will be almost half the price, and will have a much bigger selection of games from being out longer.

atm threre arent really many ps3 games that interest me dmc4 looks quite good, but im not really bothered about mgs4 as tbh i've never really cared for stealth games.

And i know its petty, but the fact that it looks like a george foreman grill is really putting me of as well...
Gallus Glee said:
I've just caught a glimpse of Play's price for a PS3 bundle (£550) - yikes!

Think it's going to be a Wii or a 360 for me.

After a couple of months the price will lower...

Anyway after watching the video for the Gundam game and Armored Core 4 I have decided to have it...
I now don't think i be getting one. To be honest I don't think its worth the money and there are a lot more xbox 360 games in development that intrest me.
Anyone who does buy one needs a bloody good reason, like that there's a gun pointed to their head and an enema the size of their arm pointed right at them. It's going to have no exclusive games worth using as loo roll, a price tag almost as heavy as the console itself and all the innovativity of a drunken Chinese whisper.

Seriously, if you're thinking of buying one, you're having one too many spliffs a day.
To be honest..there is a few games on it that are worth looking into..yes the price tag is too high for a console itself..well to my liking anyway, but it doesn't mean i won't have a look in buying one when the price tag is low or look into the be honest first looks are not much to go on for games so don't judge so fast vivi
Arbalest said:
To be honest..there is a few games on it that are worth looking into..yes the price tag is too high for a console itself..well to my liking anyway, but it doesn't mean i won't have a look in buying one when the price tag is low or look into the be honest first looks are not much to go on for games so don't judge so fast vivi

Well, apart from Final Fantasy (which was always better on the SNES), the last two Sony consoles had nothing substantial to offer which you couldn't get on other platforms. And which games are worth looking into? Seriously, I can't think of any. They lost their flagship (Grand Theft Auto)'s exclusivity (though it was never that good anyway), and Sony have made it very clear that once again they intend fully to copy Nintendo at every turn and then pretend that they're being original.

I'll be quite happy to say something like "Wow, that's quite a good selection of games for a reasonably priced console" if it reaches a more manageable price (no more than £150) quickly, and some games worthy of note are released. But right now, that just doesn't look as though it's going to happen. Who'd pay all that money for a console without Zelda anyway?
vincentvivi said:
Who'd pay all that money for a console without Zelda anyway?
I wouldn't pay good money for a console with Zelda on it. In fact, i'm buying a DS Lite as soon as possible so to avoid having purchased a console with Zelda on and thereafter claiming innocence that any Zelda games would be released on the console.

No but seriously, what's so hot about Zelda? It is an always has been a dull game about running around too fast and hacking hedges to death. :p
The console itself is not worth £500..its worth $599 which is around £425 i think..which even then is still to much..
I will be buying a PS3 but not within the first few months of release, at that time they will still be making pretty much the same games for my beloved PS2. However when Final Fantasy XIII comes out and it turns out to be only for PS3 (not PS2 compatible) I will happily invest some of my cash in it. Hopefully by then the price will have dropped as it does with all consoles after the first few months (plus by then there should be a good collection on games to buy)

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