Start a rumour about the person above you! (Forum Game)

Donut is actually a cupcake filled with jam!

Also nice to see you again Donut, I hope you are well? :)

!!!!!! You discovered my secret!! My label lies but I partake in pretending online that I'm a pastry.......I guess the cat is out of the bag ;) Hello also, I've been busier since my work reopened, but healthy and good, goin to gym again and trying to keep to a nice routine through this, how about you? Are you well too?

I'm going to add that you're actually a teacher IRL and not just on your forum title
"Has the collective militaries of all the world's superpowers on speed dial* to guard against outside intrusion into this conversation."

*I'm aware that phones don't have buttons anymore and so have no actual speed dial. I just mean it figuratively.

Pardon my rudeness! 😜
!!!!!! You discovered my secret!! My label lies but I partake in pretending online that I'm a pastry.......I guess the cat is out of the bag ;) Hello also, I've been busier since my work reopened, but healthy and good, goin to gym again and trying to keep to a nice routine through this, how about you? Are you well too?

I'm going to add that you're actually a teacher IRL and not just on your forum title

I am ok thankyou, still not managing my diabetes particularly well looks at smol pile of chocolate, shortbread and Nakd bar wrappers but life's alright :) Currently having my kitchen redone so just focusing on taking care of myself through that really :)

@Neil.T is really a ghost who appears as an eerie pair of sharp-looking orange glasses after dark!
"Is sourcing lots of differently patterned materials with an aim to sewing the world's largest pair of bloomers in an effort to secure a new Guinness world record."

('Large' in this case equals 'the surface area of Texas'.)

You can blame my girlfriend for that one, RadFem. It was all her idea!
"Is sourcing lots of differently patterned materials with an aim to sewing the world's largest pair of bloomers in an effort to secure a new Guinness world record."

('Large' in this case equals 'the surface area of Texas'.)

You can blame my girlfriend for that one, RadFem. It was all her idea!

It's actually a cool idea! I'm a big lady but not the size of Texas haha (I mean no human is that size!) Think I'll stick to making me-sized bloomers XD Does your girlfriend sew at all? :)

Is secretly Nicolas Cage :p
Does your girlfriend sew at all? :)
She say:
"I can do very rudimentary sewing jobs (patching up a hole type stuff), but I'm certainly no seamstress! Personally I think it's a great skill that you have, and I certainly marvel at what people can do with the right materials and a sewing machine 😊👍"

(Do I have to start another rumour about you now? 🤔)
She say:
"I can do very rudimentary sewing jobs (patching up a hole type stuff), but I'm certainly no seamstress! Personally I think it's a great skill that you have, and I certainly marvel at what people can do with the right materials and a sewing machine 😊👍"

(Do I have to start another rumour about you now? 🤔)

Tell her thankyou for her very kind words :) I am only slightly beyond a complete beginner myself but I am definitely hoping to improve over time, would be sewing now if it weren't for the aforementioned kitchen shenanigans XD Oh also tell her she should be proud that she actually bothers to mend her own clothes - usually my mum ends up doing that for me (and I'm so grateful to her) when she visits if it's just small jobs cuz I get kinda overwhelmed otherwise even though I do in theory know how to do some basic clothes mending as a result of my own sewing experience? lol

Is trying to make this conversation as off topic as possible (in collusion with me!) :)
"Is not allowed to have an avatar pic due to a still-ongoing but lesser-known legal dispute between herself, Big West and Harmony Gold."

I can neither confirm nor deny that :p (jokes I can definitely confirm that one's false I just feel like my posts should speak for themselves without an avatar, you know? And also it's a bit difficult deciding on one and uploading the picture) XP

Used to be called Neil Sachertorte before losing the rights to his own surname in a legal battle involving delicious sweet sweet chocolate cake and constipated angry lawyers (I wish I could say artist's rendition below but we haven't covered how to draw constipated angry lawyers in my art class yet).
She laughed at that! 😆👍

Right, this one's from me:
"RadFem once got stuck in a lift for five hours with 1990s pop sensation Scatman John."

I was like "Scatman John... I'm sure that's that guy from checks spoiler contents yep it's him!" 🤣 🤣 🤣 (and it's true, he wouldn't say anything the whole time except "ski-ba-bop-ba-dop-bop" but was otherwise polite.)

Neil.T has the world's biggest wine rack in his equally oversized fridge, but doesn't drink so it's filled with non-alcoholic wine and in some cases delicious frankfurters and smoked cheese!

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