The General Conversation Area

Do you not place the toilet roll in the freezer beforehand? Preparation is key to success!

You excited to be returning back to uni?
I tend to avoid spicy foods since I have bad acid reflux. That toilet paper trick apparently has mixed results though 😅 As for Uni......meh. Just wanna get it done at this stage and start looking for a job in the process.
I remember once when I got a new tv and hooked everything back up to it but the sky box wasn’t working. I started getting annoyed until I realised I hadn’t plugged it in.
I was watching the anime classicaloid when the door knocked. So I paused it and look where it stopped.View attachment 4869
Bah. I've watched KLK and other stuff even with my brother coming in and out of the room. He's seen some s***. On a much tamer note, my dad caught me putting the third season of overlord on, but he wasn't watching it.
Funny story, the brother that moved away noticed that I had my KLK CE in the room and immediately flipped through the production materials packed with it to find an image of mako in a compromising position, and said to my dad "loo k! This is the kind of thing your son watches!"
The guy really likes KLK though, and he watched shimoneta with me last time he visited, talked him into getting to watch the rest of it himself, patch & parrot though, it's like the guy doesn't want his wife finding stacks and stacks on anime
I never envisioned a time in my life when I would be bored of video games but I think I'm slowly getting there and it's pretty weird.

There are so many great titles that I have bought on my PS4 but I just have no desire to commit the 10's of hours to play them through and so I've not started any of them. That's not to say I'm not playing at all, I still play a few nights a week as a social activity with friends. PS4 chat is easier to use than Skype. I got very into Rocket League earlier this year but that really was an exception in recent years and even then I've played much less than those who get very into games like Fortnite and Overwatch. Speaking of the latter I'm playing Overwatch with friends online but I have next to no desire to play alone. Same for Rocket League now too. I feel more accomplished when I finish watching things than getting through games so playing games with no end really has lost it's luster.

Tetris has always been my go to for something to do while listening to videos or podcasts. I'm looking forward to Tetris Effect later this year if only because it'll be great to have a decent version of Tetris to play without needing a disc (Tetris Ultimate is total garbage), but it's a depressing though that Tetris is what I'm looking forward to playing the most from this holiday season.

Minecraft is a game I keep thinking I'll return to and occasionally I'll play it once every few months for an afternoon but I get tired of it quickly which is a shame. It used to be the be all and end all and I have these ideas of what I would love to build but just don't want to commit the time to gathering the resources going through the motions of setting up a world like that.

I keep eyeing up a Nintendo Switch though. Mario and Zelda look amazing. I did briefly have a Wii U and MK8 was brilliant. The fact they are basically remaking Pokemon Red+Blue in 3D for consoles is a childhood dream of mine so I really do wonder if I will still end up spending hundreds of pounds next year on yet another Video Game System despite my declining interest in the hobby. Smash also looks superb but without local competition I doubt I'd get enough from it. Again I did have the Wii U edition for a little while but playing Online was a million years away from playing with my friends on Melee back in the day. I've always wanted to try Animal Crossing, especially as I've become more and more casual with this hobby, the games look charming as all hell so thats another potential tick in the Switch purchase box.

Don't know why I suddenly felt the need to type this out but here we are haha. I notice that many on here are very into their video games and many may even play more than they watch Anime. Still I'm curious if anyone else is feeling the same as me?

I think the combination of online gaming with just getting older and growing further apart from those childhood gaming friends has left me feeling alittle hollow about it all despite still spending alot of time interacting with the hobby. In fact I probably definitely watch videos about Video Games more than I play, though mainly focusing on nostalgic retrospectives and the like. The industry is still interesting to follow even If I don't really care about the mainstream titles on offer outside of Nintendo, which can certainly be put down to nostalgia.
Yeah I seem to only play like 3 games a year now. Replaying the old paper Mario games have been more fun than any new games this year and I have no interest in Spider-Man that everyone seems to be praising. Like after Red Dead I won’t want any games rest of the winter till Jan for KH then I probably won’t play it much. Smash on switch I’m getting only for online tbh and I don’t love the switch like other do.
Still I'm curious if anyone else is feeling the same as me?
You almost wrote word for word what I've been feeling like. I've played some games on the odd afternoon and I still watch plenty of video game based videos on YouTube, but the last game I finished was Persona 5 which came after Horizon.

I definitely going to get Red Dead Redemption II, but I've skipped loads of games I would have brought normally such as Assassin's Creed, GoW and Spiderman.

Anime has definitely filled the gap. You can watch an episode or entire series depending on your mood.
This makes me wonder. Which is worst; eating a very hot curry or *ahem* expelling said very hot curry? 😇

Anyway how is everyone?

*late to the party* Great thanks. :D

Still having fun with getting my old PC to be my server. Was randomly freezing and crashing a lot, no idea what it was (wasn't in the mood to play the game of swap the components until it looked right again) until I managed to get a log of why (hit and miss getting said log in the first place) it was crashing and upon investigation of said log hopefully removing the correct RAM module without having to play the annoying guessing game.

Games wise I have a massive stack of games I haven't played yet. Been mostly playing Final Fantasy XIV, Stardew Valley and the Secret of Mana remake. Started on a looooong bit of refactoring work on my personal programming project as the code isn't up the standard I want to be after learning things from work. :)

I’m currently on the train from Portsmouth Harbour to Gatwick Airport (need to change at Angmering first) as I fly out to Malta tomorrow. Staying the night at the travelodge before as I never travel up on the day I fly.
Just arrived in my room at the’s very nice as I paid a bit extra for their super room.