JJBA: Stardust Crusaders ep7
Considering the stink over this episode from some quarters, it actually wasn't anything like as bad as I'd feared it might be.
It didn't bother me that Strength wasn't an inherently funny character, as I think he was easily the most unsettling villain the series has yet thrown at us. If he had been in any way sympathetic, I might have felt a bit put off by watching Jotaro pummel the crap out of an endangered species, but in this case, I was glad to see him get his comeuppance.
What does bother me is that Ann's only apparent function in the story seems to be as the target of potential sexual assault and, yeah, I could have done without the ass shots.
Sleaziness aside, it also seems like this episode's only purpose was to kill off the other sailors who survived the shipwreck. They might as well have been wearing red shirts...