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Attack on Titan e.11 - Slowrolled for 19 minutes, made up for it afterwards.


fabricatedlunatic said:
Oh come now. I was willing to mostly let the Ritsu thing slide, but I can't accept Azusa being superior to Tsukiko. That's just crazy talk.

(Incidentally, have you seen THAT episode yet? Not sure if it's 5 or 6. Asuza crotch-cam swimsuit service, oh yeahhh)
I had to come back to this, as it turns out I had only seen up to 5 when I first replied, and episode 6...

Well, episode 6 is different gravy, indeed. :oops:
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HENNEKO e.7 - There was an appreciably serious bite to this episode's humorous hijinks, including the final scene, and I wonder if we have just seen a wish that isn't as easy to take back as the others have been thus far.
Suisei no Gargantia 11 - Just two episodes to go now, and i think they've finally got back on course now. I wasn't sure about leaving the revelations of episode 9 behind so quickly, but i like how we're just moving onward with the story. It did feel like it fell into a bit of a slump until now, but i think they could recover well from it.

To Aru Kagaku no Railgun S 10 - Another solid episode, very well executed so far. I've read this all already, but it's nice seeing it now all animated. This maybe the second iteration of the Sisters arc, but this is by far the better version. There is just so much more to it that makes it more interesting than previously.
Flowers of Evil 11

A simple scene of walking here speaks so much more than bucketloads of expository dialogue in many other anime. Currently my favourite show of the season.
Say, "I love you" ep1

I was drawn to this by its surprisingly slick direction; shot choice and cutting techniques give it an intriguingly horror-toned undercurrent. Unfortunately, the show seems to be taking everything at face value and looks to be delivering little more than standard shoujo romantic fare.

Not that there's anything necessarily wrong with that, but I found it very difficult to swallow a plot point that required the heroine not to either 1) call the police on the phone in her hand or 2) tell the clerk in the brightly-lit and ostensibly safe convenience store she had walked into, when being followed by a suspicious man who might as well have been carrying an enormous sign saying "I AM STALKER-KUN".
RailSnug e.10 - Probably my favorite vocal performance of the season from Koshimizu Ami continues to make any scene with Mugino in extremely entertaining, but her fight with Mikoto was particularly well done. I'm impressed with how they've adapted this arc so far.

Aku no Hana e.11 - Atmosphere once again pitch perfect, as it was the last time they had to follow up a huge climactic scene the next week. I wasn't sure how direct the consequences were going to be this time, and indeed we still don't fully know, but I think more than ever Our Hero needs some professional help.

Joshawott said:
The Hentai Prince and the Stony Cat 10

Is it just me or are all the girls in this show incredibly petty?
I would like to pet a good number of them, was that the question?
but I think more than ever Our Hero needs some professional help.

On this we can agree. I couldn't help thinking during this episode especially that Kasuga must be suffering from serious clinical depression, or some other mental imbalance. It's making the show quite difficult to watch now.

I'm still not particularly keen on it though. Even if it is dealing with seriously mentally unwell characters, it still has a peculiar strain self indulgent melancholy (that I find particularly prevalent in Japanese shows) which just grates on me a bit. I mean,they were presenting Kasuga's revelation at the end of this episode as if it made some kind of sense. It just didn't. At all. And they need to stop that.
Initially I was not thrilled with the end, the same way that you describe, except now I am quite happy with it. They were presenting it as if it made sense to Kasuga, from his point of view. I agree with you that it doesn't quite, and therefore I think this just further cements the kind of mental struggles that he is having.
Bakuman s1 eps 1 & 2 - I'm enjoying this show despite some of the subtitles being a bit random, it's not enough to put me off so I think I'll keep my preorder for season 2.