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I am doing a science degree, so that's exceptable :p

It's certainly open to quite a lot of "virtual posibilities" tho' typical being placing the character in roleplay as a daughter, little sister or maid servant.

The definatly imaginary aspect is also important, moe chara have to be ones that would not exist in a real environment either by being an ideal, or by being something that cannot exist, like an android. It provides again more of a blank slate as the reactions of something purely imaginary are unknown.
Reaper gI said:
I am doing a science degree, so that's exceptable :p
Haha, that does actually make sense. :p

I think we've reached the point of agreeing to disagree, at the very least, I enjoyed the discussion. :)


Zin: Yes, I think that's pretty much consensus amongst people with an actual understanding of the term, but those affects are in reaction to the characters, so I don't believe the term "moe character" is entirely without merit, although it is also open to mis-use. I hate the concept of the "moe show" (on another non-anime specific board I use, someone said of SoraWoto "It's pretty good for a moe show"), however, since this doesn't exist imo, as the idea of "moe" is that it is an affect outside the bounds of the show.
Hell Girl 1-26

Really loved this show. I knew it would be great ever since I watched an episode years ago, so I'm not sure why it took me this long to get around to it. The usual complaints of repetitiveness didn't bother me at all. Looking forward to Sentai's timely release of the follow up series. I sense the soundtracks in my future, too. And the artbook.

Baccano 1-10

Almost finished with series as well. I was going to skip the show entirely (it was sort of drowned in a crop of more popular shows when it was coming out despite its good reputation) until Funimation started advertising it hell for leather everywhere and the attractive character designs pulled me in. I knew almost nothing about the series before starting it and it's been a fun ride so far. It's especially fun watching it with my better half as the ensemble cast is proving challenging for his memory and he still can't tell Luck apart from anyone else despite his silky voice. Even though most of the characters are pretty icky in many ways, I have become attached to a surprising number of them.

Hopefully Durarara will be licensed for DVD soon; the original expectations have been raised.

Spice & Wolf 1-7

I'll finish this over the weekend. There were some reservations given the volume of naked Holo (don't care about r/l non-debates) imagery I have been exposed to in my time on the internet; the possibility that this might be an annoying show with simpering fetish-invoking furry girls was a real risk. After all, certain well regarded Key properties really bore me and they are often portrayed as being deep and meaningful too. Spice & Wolf however has so far turned out to be both charming and interesting with an oft-naked lead female who actually has a complex personality of her own. A dollop of political fiddling in the plot keeps me hooked. Another soundtrack purchase will probably come out of this one as well; I already had to grab the full length ED from iTunes.

The rest of my time lately has been spent with One Piece, which my husband has decided must be watched from the start again for some reason. One Piece is good though, so that's ok.

A little boringly everything I've seen lately has been thoroughly enjoyable stuff. Perhaps the next series I start will break the trend. Strike Witches has shipped (husband's order, not mine) and that's very likely to annoy me in record time.

I'm curious about Hell Girl now. Originally I wasn't all that bothered but learning that the director of it was Baccano's and is now Durarara's has made me interested. It's gone on my "to-watch" list, I think.
Going through PeaceMaker while I have free time (in moderation, of course...)
Also, me and Ryo have just finished re-watching Gunbuster. I may have a go at Gunbuster 2, but Ryo is skeptic about it (even though it was his present from me over a year ago... lol)
Durarara!! episode 12.

One of those rare shows that I can say is *objectively* better than 99% of everything else out there.

Orihara Izaya is far too boom.
ilmaestro said:
Durarara!! episode 12.

One of those rare shows that I can say is *objectively* better than 99% of everything else out there.

Orihara Izaya is far too boom.

Must get back on track and finish that i thinks.

Spent the last couple of days watching Hajime no Ippo, so far i'm up to ep 10.
Rui said:
Spice & Wolf 1-7

I'll finish this over the weekend. There were some reservations given the volume of naked Holo (don't care about r/l non-debates) imagery I have been exposed to in my time on the internet; the possibility that this might be an annoying show with simpering fetish-invoking furry girls was a real risk. After all, certain well regarded Key properties really bore me and they are often portrayed as being deep and meaningful too. Spice & Wolf however has so far turned out to be both charming and interesting with an oft-naked lead female who actually has a complex personality of her own. A dollop of political fiddling in the plot keeps me hooked. Another soundtrack purchase will probably come out of this one as well; I already had to grab the full length ED from iTunes.


It's H-O-R-O, woman! Don't refer to a Goddess in wolf form with a name that makes one think of Bleach. Learn respect before typing.

I did think S&W would be one of THOSE shows myself at first. But I quickly understood that Horo being naked/unconcerned with showing her flesh was an attempt at showing she's an animal first; not a human with wolf transformations added on. Aside from her introduction (how could she have had clothes?) and the scene where she takes off her wet clothes, S&W is 100% tasteful.

Horo is a great character. One of the best I've come across, in fact. Intelligent and experienced, without being condescending (unless she wants to wind-up Lawrence) and outwardly strong, yet hiding a far more troubled 'core' that being a lonely immortal has given her. The witty conversations powered by Horo's intellect make S&W great. Horo, and her believable relationship with Lawrence, carries the series, and leads to some serious HxL drama in the first half of S2.

(The 'I WANT CUBS!!!!' rant is fairly epic.)
That-Bastard-Bad-Guy-Aion said:
It's H-O-R-O, woman! Don't refer to a Goddess in wolf form with a name that makes one think of Bleach. Learn respect before typing.

It's only supposedly Horo because that's what the digisubs used ;p the words are phonetically identical anyway in the version I watched. Perhaps we should just say ホロ?

Nitpicking aside, finished the series yesterday and it remained great throughout. I'll be ready for the sequel when the time comes. I don't really have a single bad thing to say about Spice & Wolf; it did exactly what it promised to do and kept me interested from start to finish.

Watching Kujibiki Unbalance TV now which will probably completely suck and break the trend. Especially as I watched the Genshiken OAV on this disc first so there is nothing to look forward to.

DRRR was rather amazing. I enjoy that show so much and, like, Baccano, I think it might be worth having a look at again once its completed its run. I'm really curious on where its going to go now.
If you're going to put up a 'L&R are one and the same!' argument, then L from Death Note could be called R without issue. -_-

It's a Horo because I say so; simple as that. Horo sounds/reads better.

S&W has two flaws: very few people care about/understand the trading chatter and the final episode was very rushed. If not for the last episode zooming through events, I would've 9/10'd it.

I advise that you keep your S2 expectations low, because the second half of S2 is quite poor. The first half has very involving HxL relationship/love triangle drama, but after that it's all downhill.

Here's the official S2 trailer:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

(Rage @ 24 secs)

I want those damned Kuji DVDs just for the Genshiken OVAs. Why an OVA DVD wasn't released I'll never know... Well, I DO know; they wanted to shift Kuji DVDs, but why even bother trying to sell something no-one cares about?
Rui said:
There were some reservations given the volume of naked Holo (don't care about r/l non-debates) imagery I have been exposed to in my time on the internet; the possibility that this might be an annoying show with simpering fetish-invoking furry girls was a real risk.
I'm shocked and appalled that my favourable impressions were not enough to dispell any doubt about the quality of Spice and Wolf. I can only assume that it was Aion's endorsement of the show that left you with reservations. I know the feeling, but in this case he was right.

Strike Witches has shipped (husband's order, not mine)
And you haven't started divorce proceedings yet?


I watched the first two episodes of New Dominion Tank Police and that's about as much as I can take. The characters are too shallow and annoying, while the tone straddles that awkward line between comedy and serious business. The only thing it has going for it, the half-decent 90s OVA animation, is undermined Manga's awful, flat DVD transfer.
One's appreciation of all things Dominion-related is quite dependant upon whether one can enjoy a title for simply bearing the style of presentation typical for its era. I admit that the franchise is lacking in substantial narrative, and that not all moments are as humorous as they could be. Nonetheless, Dominion is quite resplendent with visual motifs that awaken one to the nostalgia of older generations. An established form of kitsch, one might say.
I think you may be right. While I do appreciate the visual style of anime from the late 80s/early 90s, that alone is not enough to sustain my interest. My long term dislike of lightweight action-comedy (such as Slayers) should have been all the forewarning I needed.
I would argue that the darker original Dominion OAVs have a little more substance to them than the New Dominion ones, but if NDTP wasn't doing it for you, they originals probably won't change your mind.