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Now finished 9 episodes of Darker than Black, gotta say, I expected more =/ Considering that the opening and indeed title, plot etc leads you to believe Hei and his crew are the main characters they seem to have done little more than cameo at this point in the series. Does it get better? I really wanted to like this series and I love Hei and all of his assignments, and the detective stuff is cool too, but there seems a ridiculous imbalance at this point =/

a solid 7/10 so far. It's good, but it's not as good as I'd hoped yet.
Aww man =( That said I kinda like ep 9. Better than the total level breaker that was 7 and 8. Don't get me wrong, mixing comedy and action is all well and good, but only when you've established that's how the series is gonna be like FMP. In a previously dead-serious and relatively dark anime that suddenly starts talking about waxy ears it's...unusual to say the least.
Watched Mahoromatic Summer Special. A fun episode, but hardly something that justifies a separate DVD release. This should have been bundled with the second series.

Now I want to watch the second series, as the first was enjoyable. This this is surely the worst anime released by Gainax.
Finished off Tears To Tiara. Quite a worthy watch in the fantasy genre. It has a odd mix of influences from Arthurian and Roman to mid/high fantasy with Judeo-Christian themes. The characters are generally good, development seems to be kept for a select few.

Currently making my way through Soul Eater around 38 episodes down so far. I am really enjoying it so far. The characters are pretty good, they seem to concentrate though on only a few only bringing out more when they are needed. It looks like the big story is starting around now. Watching Hulu through a proxy is not always the best experience I nearly gave up after a few episodes and almost bought the discs there and then. I then realised it would take months to get to the same place. I have yet to buy the series but when I have the spare cash or season rather than half season box sets come out (been burnt a bit recently with a few things, looking at you Aquarian) I will be picking it up.
Hajime no Ippo 1-5

First anime I've watched in exactly a month yesterday. I think it saved me from giving up on anime completely. I think the moment that I knew I had something special on my hands was at the end of episode 3 when Ippo broke down into tears and said "Thank you... thank for you accepting me." Going to start hurting this series off some more later.
Lupus said:
Hajime no Ippo 1-5
My mate has just begun watching this after I told him to. I really want to now, it sounds epic

Just finished One Piece 442 and it was definitely one of the best in a while. So good in fact I won't be able to stop myself from reading the manga now. The anime went through a bit of a slump for about four episodes, so its good for it to be enjoyable again.
Hajime no Ippo is a great series. the first TV series was released in full in R1 and I highly recommend you to get it if you have the chance.
I'm actually watching it via R1 DVDs actually, bought a DVD player and made it region free just for the special occasion, I needed the right series to watch, I was on the verge of giving up on anime. A friend suggested it and let me borrow the first half of it, can't thank him enough actually!


Hajime no Ippo 6-10

Instead of being articulate about it I'll just copy and paste what I said to my mate about it:

Naw, just watched 6-10 of Ippo
Swear down
When Ippo dodged Miyata's punch and countered it and Naked Fang played it was like THE "Wah... this is epic" moment

I think I'll do one DVD per day, that way I'll be half way done by next week. This **** is too good.
Noein 14-18

Gah. What the hell is going on? Either Noein has an incredibly thin plot or I've been too bored to catch any of it. Watching an episode of this assuredly puts me to sleep. It feels like I've run the first 20 miles of a marathon and I'm asolutely knackered and just can't face the final stretch.
Lupus said:
I'm actually watching it via R1 DVDs actually, bought a DVD player and made it region free just for the special occasion, I needed the right series to watch, I was on the verge of giving up on anime. A friend suggested it and let me borrow the first half of it, can't thank him enough actually!


Hajime no Ippo 6-10

Instead of being articulate about it I'll just copy and paste what I said to my mate about it:

Naw, just watched 6-10 of Ippo
Swear down
When Ippo dodged Miyata's punch and countered it and Naked Fang played it was like THE "Wah... this is epic" moment

I think I'll do one DVD per day, that way I'll be half way done by next week. This **** is too good.
Agree. I really hoped the new series would be picked up at some point, but unfortunately, sports series don't have a lot of apeal in the west or so I've heard.
fabricatedlunatic said:
Noein 14-18

Gah. What the hell is going on? Either Noein has an incredibly thin plot or I've been too bored to catch any of it. Watching an episode of this assuredly puts me to sleep. It feels like I've run the first 20 miles of a marathon and I'm asolutely knackered and just can't face the final stretch.

I actually enjoyed the show, but I do agree it has some sleep inducing properties. It took me ages to watch it as I kept falling asleep every couple of episodes (trying to watch it late at night might have some thing to do with this) so I had to keep re-watching bits of it.
Since rewatching is out of the question, I read some of this guy's Noein blog posts in the hope of gaining some insight into whatever's supposed to be happening. All I was able to conclude is that reading about the show is even more boring than actually watching it. Apparently episode 16 reveals that Noein is another version of Yuu and Kurasu which somehow I completely missed. Well, when I say "somehow", what I mean is "because I was asleep". Probably.
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