Your viewing journal

@Memo - No way are me & Fabio bickering. We've both been here a good while and get on well enough (except if I bring up singing octupi). You're forgiven since you're new around here, but yeah, this is just a discussion. You wanna see bickering? Have a good long flip back through General Conversation. ;)

@Fabio - Granted, some of the audience are always going to be in it for the fappage. But I still don't think Higurashi was aimed at the lolicon / moefan end of the market* - I think it's more likely it used the popularity of that market for it's own ends. Perhaps Higurashi is the cancer that will kill Moe? It's worth pointing out that the new series, Umineko no Naku Koro ni, hasn't gone with nearly such cute character designs.

fabricatedlunatic said:
ayase said:
I cared about Satoko throughout that arc and I'm pretty sure I didn't fall for the "nii-nii" melodrama - I did find what was happening to her truly horrible.
Hey, that's fair enough; how you feel about characters is, after all, completely subjective. It's just that there are certain things in anime (and other mediums) that push my buttons, and When They Cry has a few too many of them.
Of course. I'm not one to force my opinion down anyone else's throat (unless I can't find anything better to choke them to death with) but I am always interested to hear why others feel the way they do.


How does that make you feel?

*probably a better way to have put this would be: aimed at, but with an agenda of subverting the audience's expectations.
1-5 of Gundam WING


OST is good, although only seems to be mostly rock-orientated so far.

Decent character designs.

An easy watch, it actually moves along fairly quickly.


A lot of questionable content already.

Characters are not all that interesting.

Plot isn't really engaging in any form.

FMA: Brotherhood 24

WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. Damn it, BONES, why do you do this?
I'm on Welcome to the NHK V3 now and this series is great, but it makes me depressed :( too many things that reminds me of my own life in there, although I'm not a hikikomori... jsut yet :p
chaos said:
I'm on Welcome to the NHK V3 now and this series is great, but it makes me depressed :( too many things that reminds me of my own life in there, although I'm not a hikikomori... jsut yet :p
I know what you mean, Satou would say or think something and I'd be like... oh my god... I do that.
Also it has that 'no point to life' thing going for it - but it's great!

I'm watching Toradora! I don't really know why though.
I'm enjoying it... I really don't know why.
iisan said:
chaos said:
I'm on Welcome to the NHK V3 now and this series is great, but it makes me depressed :( too many things that reminds me of my own life in there, although I'm not a hikikomori... jsut yet :p
I know what you mean, Satou would say or think something and I'd be like... oh my god... I do that.
Also it has that 'no point to life' thing going for it - but it's great!
'no point to life' that's where it struck a nerve.

It's funny, as I felt heart broken for Yamazaki and Satou in a couple situations, but I simply couldn't stop watching the show.
I'm all better today though.
Spice and Wolf episode 7

this has to be the first time i watched an anime with a romantic element in it, where it actually develops a decent way through the series (something that's kinda absent in Ah! My Goddess! but only because Skuld kept on Cock Blocking Morisato)
Denpa teki na Kanojo - OVA 1

This isn't very well known, only one 42 minute episode being out and it having come out early this year, but it's excellent. It's also the only anime similar to When They Cry I've seen. There wasn't any loli action but there was some psycho school girls with baseball bats action, and a lot of murder. It's gripping atmosphere, helped by its dark colour usage, is also very similar to WTC.

It started with a (not very graphic) rape scene, the rapist expressing how he's an anti-alien agent, and then it switched to the main character - a school kid who's the 'king' of his own school world, him being the toughest kid there. Following the disturbing start, it got going as a harem, a stalker "I'm your servant from another life; you're my king!" girl was then introduced (no comedy; the lead was freaked out at first), the main character then got directly involved with the serial killings and, in true WTC fashion, there was a shocking twist towards the end.

I thought it was a one-shot but another OVA is supposed to be due out later this year. I'm watching it as soon as it comes out. If it keeps its momentum, more anime like this, please!
Saw the finale of Tokyo Magnitude 8.0, I cried tears of sadness.

Also watched FMA: Brotherhood 25, I wanted to cry tears of joy seeing Envy's true form but it was seriously horrible, CGI and snot green, really BONES? Come on now. Everything else in the episode was good, expect the thing I wanted to see most out of this entire series, an entire what... five months or so wasted on my most anticipated thing being ruined, smooth.

Original manga form:

Brotherhood version:

Don't click either unless you're a dumb-dumb and want to spoil yourself, unless you've seen it.
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Watched Grenadier V1 and V2 yesterday. One more volume to go and I'm done.

I believe this is my third time watching this show. The way Rushuna recharges her pistols is something else. =D