This was my first experience with Berserk and I got to say that this was fantastic, I knew it was beloved and that I would likely enjoy it but now I see much more clearly why it is. I want to continue but I'm very iffy on watching the 2016 - 17 series, would like to pick up the lovely hardback releases of the manga, just they are quite pricey but I feel I will take the plunge soon enough. Though it will cover the same content, I am looking forward to when my copy of the '97 series arrives and seeing as the original movies of what I've just finished were released by Kaze over here, hoping it is in the pipeline to be rescued by AL seeing as they're on a steady stream of Kaze titles recently and is impossible to find said Kaze releases for a decent price nowadays. Overall Berserk was fantastic and I look forward to experiencing more of the series, I am a fan for sure.