My long standing policy of skipping OPs continues to pay off.BanzaiJedi said:Chivalry of a Failed Knight ep 12 (complete). A very predictable ending to the series (mainly because they showed it every week in the OP)
:thumb:Young Black Jack ep 12 (complete). This series does go over the top and silly every so often, but that doesn't take anything away from the truly fascinating stories which have explored so many themes and issues related to the '60s setting (many of which continue to resonate to this day), along with a cast of wonderful characters. I'm so pleased that I chose to watch this series despite only having seen the movie previously, and I'm now thinking about tracking down the original series, or at least buying the manga.
Mangaranga said:Love Live! Season 2 - Episodes 4 - 6
Noragami Aragoto - Episodes 11 & 12
ONE PUNCH MAN - Episodes 10 - 12
I loved the last few episodes of One Punch Man. The pure amount of WTF IS GOING ON was just through the roof.
I'll definitely be picking up the Japanese Blurays for the show since they have subs. Not sure if I'll import them individually or in twos yet though.
[spoilerbutton]Did anyone else think that last scene was a setup to a second season? It caught me off guard at first.