your thoughs on how much the UK gets

are you happy with the amount of anime DVDs the UK gets now?

  • need more

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • we need less

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • just the right amount (that my bank acount can take)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • there lots just not the type of things im after

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • this poll sucks. so shut up.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Stand User
do you think the UK gets to much, to less or just thr right amount. do you fell that why there is alot coming out its all the same type of thing and there needs to be a bigger selection of different types of shows. if so post about your thoughs here and vote if you want if not just put the this poll sucsk vote :).
I think MVM should take a break and finish releasing the series they have now rather than taking on even more than they can handle. They have a lot of great shows licenced but treat some of them like crap.
I think there are enough right now. Any more would be too much in my opinion, it may even cripple the anime market! If there was a higher demand I'm sure a company would realise and would bring more DVD's out, they're "experts" and know how many DVD's they should release.
i went for the right amount option mostly because im finding it hard just to buy the amount of anime thats comeing out at the moment i dont think my bank manager would not like it much if there so alot more comeing out each month.
I think we need more, but we need them to be released fast instead of this whole problem of waiting months an months for each DVD taking well over a year before we can get a full series out here it just puts you of sometimes :x
Dont really know what to vote for myself here. Some stuff I want comes out in the UK, but I buy R1 releases for better quality of packaging, earliar release dates etc. I suppose I might like the UK market more if more obscure things that I like made it here.
Well i didnt vote for any off these

we need more

We need less

just the right amount (that my bank acount can take)

there lots just not the type of things im after

LOL 8)
I think the anime industry in the UK is healthy enough and I'd say that about half of my collection is R2. However none of the anime of late has really caught my attention as I tend to like obscure releases anyway, so I voted to reflect this.

What I'd like to see is: More boxes, freebies, quality packinging (Par or better than R1) and UK only licenses with a British dub. And let's not forget, more obscure yet good anime please! I can only dream! :wink:
Vermont Marijuana Dispensary
There's a decent amount of stuff released in the UK right now and the situation is slowly but surely improving. Sure, there are one or two things I'd love to see get a R2 release to follow the R1 (I'd love to see Berserk and FLCL but will have to resort to importing) but there is the danger of market saturation. After all, the UK audience is only a fraction of the US numbers wise.

That said it would be nice to see more box sets and thinpaks, which are nice bonuses (not to mention easier on the wallet!). The old problem of there not being enough shelf space in shops for bulky slipcases is a little irrelevant for retailers who operate online.
WTFDaveMustaine said:
I think MVM should take a break and finish releasing the series they have now rather than taking on even more than they can handle. They have a lot of great shows licenced but treat some of them like crap.
You have a point there. As genuine as their reasons were for having so many delays, taking so long over finishing the series that are not yet out in their entirety while starting on new ones doesn't seem sensible to me.
I think last year was a tad excessive, especially the latter half of the year where ADV and MVM were alone pumping out 12-14 DVDs between themselves every month. Being an anime fan, it would be great if literally everything got released over here but the essential lack of TV exposure means that it simply isn't possible to increase release schedules anymore. So yeah, I voted for "just the right amount".

Staggered release schedules and a lack of fluffly extras don't really effect my opinion of the UK industry, though it would admitedly be nice to have some artboxes in which to store my DVDs. I rarely import from the US.
i voted for the need more cuz when you have to order form overseas to finish of or even start a new series is bad.

i mean if i was only buying from the uk id still be waiting on chobits and i think Gungrave to end i mean its silly i went looking for SE i could only find it in america.

id rather have quality than quantity but i think they should focus more on getting there series finished and then onto the next one but i still think we need more ive got the money just a shame its all going into uncle sam's pocket
I was tempted to say "just the right ammount", but that really isn't how I feel. You could argue that there are too many dvd's coming out, and I would agree with that; however I don't feel its the number of DVD's coming out every week, rather the format in which they are released.

Rather than seeing four disks coming out at a time, covering 3-5 episodes of four seperate series, I'd rather see more disks for half the number of series, so individual volumes covering 6-10 episodes of just two series... but for the same price.

This cannot happen I know, but it's the only thing that would encourage me to fork out twenty quid each week on new releases.
We need more of the quality stuff. i know people who'll watch any old rubbish as long as it is anime, regardless of quality. Most of the easily available DVDs are just plain mediocre or worse and people buy them "because it's anime it must be good". If these people stopped then we might get more of the good series rather than something poor that the distributors think will sell well because the last similar one did.
NB: I won't the name people or series.
cornixt said:
We need more of the quality stuff. i know people who'll watch any old rubbish as long as it is anime, regardless of quality. Most of the easily available DVDs are just plain mediocre or worse and people buy them "because it's anime it must be good". If these people stopped then we might get more of the good series rather than something poor that the distributors think will sell well because the last similar one did.
NB: I won't the name people or series.

Meh - High Art vs. Popular Culture. The latter tends to win.

I do find it odd that the anime with the most TV exposure in this country: Dragonball Z, hasn't seen a TV series release over here...
There are plenty of releases that I want to buy and can't yet afford (I pretty much wait for sales anyway :p), but there's also a lot of stuff that I want but the Region doesn't carry. Mostly Gundam stuff.
I went for 'just the right amount' because I think there's enough on the go at the moment to keep me going with something to look forward to without feeling over (or under) whelmed by choice.
I'm not too sure to be honist. I think we are getting enough at the moment, but purhapse a few more titals released over here wouled be good too.