Your anime viewing journal

Ah, I see. I don't play 'dating sims', or however you refer to them, so I assumed that - unless they were re-released in edited, porn removed form - those type of games contained smut by default. Cheers for clearing up my confusion. (I thought the smutty bits of the games played in Kami simply weren't shown.)

I watch most, if not all, of the currently airing titles in one sitting. That said, I know not of the episode release dates - hence me saying next week, rather than Sunday.

The fourth episode of Kami was filler, then? I thought it might be since only four girls get covered in the first series and the episode added next to nothing of value. It was still a decent enough episode, though.
I haven't actually watched TWGOK 4 yet, but I'm disappointed to hear they're putting filler into it. Originally, I was assuming it was going to be just a 1:1 adaptation of the manga as, even in two seasons, they aren't going to catch up on the current chapter. If they're adding filler though, it sounds like they're going to try and milk it :(
SciFiBoy said:
Angel Beats! episodes 10-13

finally finished it!

all in all I liked it, but the plot seemed kinda disjointed at times

Did you wub at the end? I know I did, and your saw after the credits right?
Finally picked up Excel Saga again

Was one of the first anime I started watching but that was obviously a bad choice considering how genre-savvy it is. I still don't love it, but I probably enjoy it a bit more than the first time I saw it and OH SWEET JESUS the dub voice for Excel makes me want to gouge out my ears. And though I watch subbed eps it's still on the DVD menu. It's just ARGH
Excel was always going to be a hard one to replicate in English.

Jessica Calvello certainly wasn't perfect, but I thought she gave it a game try and I think they actually had to replace her about half-way through because she damaged her vocal chords as a result. Can't remember what the second VA was like though...
Professor Irony said:
Excel was always going to be a hard one to replicate in English.

Jessica Calvello certainly wasn't perfect, but I thought she gave it a game try and I think they actually had to replace her about half-way through because she damaged her vocal chords as a result. Can't remember what the second VA was like though...

Perhaps, but she is always screaming at the top of her voice, Excel talks loudly and energetically sure, but she's not screaming each word out. I just can't handle it.
Bakuman Episode 5

Stuff actually gets rolling. Another great ep, it felt condensed without being rushed I've not read the manga so I can't compare, but it's shaping up to really go places next ep =D

Iron Man ep 5

Still going steady in that its not really going anywhere, but it at least felt like something was at stake this episode. Sakurai returns and I'm still interested to see where things go with him.

The next ep preview had a guy who seemed to dress liky Civilian Setsuna F Seiei from Gundam 00 so...yeah.
Aogu said:
SciFiBoy said:
Angel Beats! episodes 10-13

finally finished it!

all in all I liked it, but the plot seemed kinda disjointed at times

Did you wub at the end? I know I did, and your saw after the credits right?

wub? (internet abrievations have never been my strong point!)

yes I saw the bit after the credits where: he walks past her and then turns to tap her on the shoulder :)
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Baccano Episodes 1-8

Geez this series is addicting. I love how the storyline has developed and im still left wondering where the next twist and turn will be. I knew it had good reviews but i never expected to be so engrossed in it! Isaac and Miria are definitely my favourite characters so far (love how they keep pointing at things in synchronization!)
Ghost Hound Episodes 10 & 11 More ghostly goings on as a body is found floating in the dam which is linked to the curse of the old hospital.
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I've been kind of on the fence about Soredemo thus far, but ep4 was really funny. Moriaki the maths teacher has become unexpectedly hilarious. And he's fond of pi.
Linebarrels of Iron - Episodes 22 - 24 (End)

LOI came to a satisfying if somewhat chessy end, not the greatest mecha series I've ever seen but it was entertaining nonetheless.

Time to catch with SRW and Star Driver and then back to some old skool mecha.
SciFiBoy said:
Aogu said:
SciFiBoy said:
Angel Beats! episodes 10-13

finally finished it!

all in all I liked it, but the plot seemed kinda disjointed at times

Did you wub at the end? I know I did, and your saw after the credits right?

wub? (internet abrievations have never been my strong point!)

yes I saw the bit after the credits where: he walks past her and then turns to tap her on the shoulder :)

Yes that was then end I was referring to. As for the wub bit I thought it was common usage but apparently I'm entirely wrong. When I googled it I got multiple definitions none of which what I meant (One of these said WUB was to "wake up with a boner"... definitely not what I meant). No, I meant did you cry at all, or tear up?
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Aogu said:
SciFiBoy said:
Aogu said:
SciFiBoy said:
Angel Beats! episodes 10-13

finally finished it!

all in all I liked it, but the plot seemed kinda disjointed at times

Did you wub at the end? I know I did, and your saw after the credits right?

wub? (internet abrievations have never been my strong point!)

yes I saw the bit after the credits where: he walks past her and then turns to tap her on the shoulder :)

Yes that was then end I was referring to. As for the wub bit I thought it was common usage but apparently I'm entirely wrong. When I googled it I got multiple definitions none of which what I meant (One of these said WUB was to "wake up with a boner"... definitely not what I meant). No, I meant did you cry at all, or tear up?

I knew what you meant, but wake up with a boner is hilarious terminology XD
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Professor Irony said:
I've been kind of on the fence about Soredemo thus far, but ep4 was really funny. Moriaki the maths teacher has become unexpectedly hilarious. And he's fond of pi.

‎(Boy + Girl) / morals = 0 :D

Yeah I laughed quite alot on episode 4, another great episode for me!

To Aru Majutsu no Index episode 1 - 7 - I am really enjoying this, has its predictable moments but the comedic value and the dramatic timing is ace so far.

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