Rui said:
(More Hell Girl stuff)
I was actually going to rate season 2 much lower until the final arc, where it finally got things together and became compelling. I'm hoping that the more plot-focused approach in season 3 will work out when things get moving properly.
I really hope that the new character actually does something eventually though; I felt more attached to the rest of the Team from the outset than I do to him. In a weird way, them receiving more background exposition in season 2 almost spoiled the mystery. I really wanted to know Hone Onna's backstory at first but when the time came I think I found the sensation of wondering more fun than knowing.
With regards to the songs I loved the season 2 ending but it was definitely a grower. The season 2 opening was a let down after the first (the animation wasn't as gripping either), whereas season 3's music is something I can stick on repeat and enjoy any time. Shame that the DVDs aren't generous enough with the bitrates to do the artwork justice.
And I bought all the OSTs and singles (except OP2), so clearly like them more than you do if you just downloaded them ;P
Kikuri (season 2 spoilers): IIRC she was just channelling the Boss, and isn't necessarily him. I don't understand why she's back either, and apparently having to use a false body. Even in season 2 I found it odd that everyone just calmly tolerated her antics when she came out of nowhere, but as you say it's weird that they are continuing to do so now. Hopefully she'll have some answers later on for us. At least there are fewer extreme close ups so far of her freaky eyes/eyebrows. Wanyuudou is much better looking than that little imp.
Cheers for the Two Mirrors C&Ping. I truly had no idea at all what it meant, for there were no mirrors of note - metaphorically or otherwise - and it made me feel ever so slightly dumb. It gladdens my heart that a lengthy paragraph by the translator was required to clear the issue up.
Both S1 & S2 of Hell Girl followed the pattern of poor-good episodic content being made seem better by powerful final arcs. S1 in particular was saved by Ai's back-story because, unlike S2, there had been no Team Hell Girl episodes prior to that and the reporter subplot seemed utterly pointless until the reporter and his daughter got connected to Ai's past. S2's 'spiriting away' finale wasn't quite as good as Ai's back-story arc but it did make me certain that 8/10 was the right score.
For me, S1 has the best continuing, episode-to-episode story/finale and S2 has much better episodic content. And, in my mind, S2 is the better of the two overall due to the Team Hell Girl development episodes and there being no obvious weaknesses; even though it didn't end as strongly.
So far, after watching the first half of S3, though I was overly harsh to begin with - forgetting S2 also opened up with a poorly written school girl vs. teacher episode - I don't think it's anything special. Its episodic content is at around the same level as S2's was, but (if there's such a thing in S3) the main plot thread has been pathetically weak; there still not even having been an explanation about Hell Girl's return and the new character that was presumably created to cover all bases - even straight shota loving middle-aged women called Roy. Even now, I can't escape the feeling that the new Kikuri-lookalike heroine is an excuse for a continuation to have been created, rather than a reason.
The episodic goodness that made the previous two seasons so entertaining and easy to watch due to there being something new every other episode is still very much there, and I had a good time once I got into the mood. However, it feels more restricted now that the events all have to occur around the new school girl character; even more stories involving school kids as a result. With there having been little to no attempts at fleshing out the new heroine, or her friends, it's bothersome...
I get what you're saying; about learning the truth about the characters ruining the mystery. What made Cowboy Bebop's Spike-Julia-Vicious thing so great was how their past relationship got left up to the imagination as much as possible. Had the issue received lots of time, I'm pretty sure most would have come away thinking of their relationship as a cliched gangster one. It was the mystery that made CB's finale so great.
S2's OP really did it for me. I never remember lyrics at the best of times, so I only care for the beat of a song, and I thought it went wonderfully well with the imagery. The glass/images blending in with the main background image and small things such as Ichimokuren(sp?) running in-sync with the music got me going. S3's, on the other hand, is just so-so - the overly bright colours at the start/new character hugging a teddy bear not exactly going well with the themes of the series!
The ending of S2 was a "grower" - you're right. If memory serves, it's a slow-paced song done by Noto, with some very nice images of Ai laying around in her kimono. In contrast to the excitinish OP, I liked how it chilled me out with its relaxing nature - a perfect 'closer'.
If you've got the eyes/experience/TV required to know the difference between JP and R1 DVD quality, why buy R1 DVDs? And where did you buy the first set from, anyhow - PlayUSA?
Eh, I don't buy music - too expensive when my PC speakers play stuff for free perfectly. I'd like to at least own Death Note's three soundtracks but I don't get a rewarding feeling when paying a ton for music. It isn't as if I can get soundtracks for prices equivalent to PlayUSA's DVD pricing!
It seems like Kikuri is just there to appease those with fetishes for creepy girls even younger than Ai. I have no idea. All she's done so far is ask for people to turn the key on her back/rode around aimlessly. Her inclusion was as pointless as S3 itself... unless the new shota-boy calling her 'princess' has some deeper meaning.
Oh, then you have the same fetish as that big-boobed chick from Genshiken; bald old men? (Wanyu is probably my favourite Team Hell Girl Member, too... though Onna's boobs do hold some sway.)
What's been your favourite episode, up to yet? Mine would have to be the black comedy 12th. I mentioned S2's black comedy addition impressing me, and the same is true of S3's. I don't care for OTT punishing silliness but I don't mind an episode or two dealing with death in a more lighthearted manner. Nose-bleeder's competition over who to kill/excitement over putting stickers on a poster's 'special places' amused me.