Your anime viewing journal

A Nobody's Way Up to an Exploration Hero Episode 8

ATRI -My Dear Moments- Episode 6

Dahlia in Bloom: Crafting a Fresh Start with Magical Tools Episode 7

My Hero Academia Season 7 Episode 13

Plus-Sized Elf (Uncensored) Episode 7

Why Does Nobody Remember Me in This World Episode 6
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Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines! episode 6 Matters.

Monogatari Series: OFF & Monster Season ONA 6.5 Story of old.

My Hero Academia 7th Season episode 151 No loss yet.

My Wife Has No Emotion episode 8 Wireless.

Plus-Sized Elf episode 7 Sparring.

SHOSHIMIN: How to Become Ordinary episode 6 Untouched.

The Elusive Samurai episode 7 Babying.

The Fable episode 19 Quick delivery.

Yatagarasu: The Raven Does not Choose its Master episode 15 Disaster strikes.

The Irresponsible Captain Tylor OVAs 7-9 (Complete. A solid sequel series that left me wanting more stories for these characters.) 4/5

The Legend of Black Heaven
episodes 1-11
Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest episode 7 Lookalike.

Mission: Yozakura Family episode 20 No complaints.

Narenare -Cheer for You!- episode 7 From the heart.

One Piece episode 1116 Return.

Tower of God: Return of the Prince episode 7 Burnt.

The Legend of Black Heaven episodes 12-13 (Complete. A relatively obscure series that Discotek shone a light on, featuring an interesting premise that was executed pretty well.) 3.5/5

The Legend of Hei (Film)
A solidly engaging fantasy film that is worth a look. 3.5/5

The Mysterious City of Gold
episodes 1-9
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Monogatari speedrun pt2

Hitagi Crab
- could have sworn this was 4 episodes long but turned out to be a relatively snappy 2. this sort of time dilation happens to me a lot when rewatching anime, memory is such a liar. anyway great start to the show, subverting harem tropes by immediately giving the protagonist a girlfriend.
Mayoi Snail - forgot what a depressing story this is. really fun to follow Senjogahara's reactions in the first two episodes on rewatch. also Mayoi's reaction to Senjogahara's confession really gave me a good laugh.
Suruga Monkey - Kanbaru has always felt like an afterthought character in the series, but this story was pretty good. love Oshino's brutal breakdowns of what is really going on, cutting away at Araragi's sentimentality and hero complex.

tbh watching these episodes has made me fall in love the show all over again, the art direction in particular is absolute catnip to me, could live in those backgrounds. oh and one of the greatest ED songs, my god.
Mayonaka Punch episode 7 Bathing in attention.

Shy 2nd Season episode 19 Gathering dreams.

Spice and Wolf: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf episode 20 Regards.

The Ossan Newbie Adventurer, Trained to Death by the Most Powerful Party, Became Invincible episode 7 Quickly.

The Mysterious City of Gold episodes 10-21