The Quintessential Quintuplets Movie (English dubbed) - A lovely end to a delightful series, this is far better than it's gimmicky premise might suggest and def one of the best harem rom-coms as well, might check out the bonus episodes too
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 4 Episodes 6-8 (REWATCH) - With Friend B, the Thanksgiving episode isn't actually as bad as I remember, also
Parker is a total dick, Riley's pretty endearing for now, Xander is a total snack and I'll never get tired of seeing Giles being adorkable in that sombrero, gonna miss Oz and feeling sad for Willow and Buffy rn too, we've gotten to the start of Spike's redemption arc with the microchipping thing and I'm here for it and I laughed so hard when he was tied to the chair and got arrowed XP
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episodes 3-6 (REWATCH) - With Friend C, just watched the first Halloween ep of the series, where we start finding out more about
Giles' past and meet recurring minor villain Ethan Rayne
Cardcaptor Sakura Episodes 10-18 (REWATCH, English subbed) - So sweet and wholesome and I enjoyed finding out more about Sakura's mother, I'm really enjoying Megumi Ogata (seiyuu of Shinji Ikari) as Yukito as well
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo Episode 25 (English dubbed) - Still enjoying this, will prob get on with finishing it when I've watched the rest of the Fate/ stuff I have
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works Episodes 13-14 (English dubbed) - This can be grim but I love it's fascinating themes and complex characters, it's a bit like Durarara that way though obviously rather different in a number of aspects too, I am looking forward to seeing the Heaven's Feel films after I finish this series as well
The Irresponsible Captain Tylor TV Episode 1 (REWATCH, English dubbed) - With Friend A, they enjoyed it and we'll be watching more (I don't think I'll be seeing Person E again anyway lol), I can't wait to rewatch more of this and get into the fun philosophy and outlook of the show and Tylor who is one of the best male MCs from any anime of that era IMO
Noting here also that Friend A wasn't that into Toilet Bound Hanako-kun, but I will probably continue rewatching it on my own at some point in the nearish future