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Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory - Episode 5

I'm not surprised by the change of direction given whats going on in the story but I found this episode was quite disappointing.
My Hero Academia Season 3 (Dub) Episode 7

Amanchu! ~Advance~ (Sub) Episode 7

Darling in the FranXX (Sub) Episode 18

Dragon Pilot: Hisone and Masotan (Sub) Episode 6

Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory (Sub) Episode 5

Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online (Sub) Episode 6
Full Metal Panic! ep1-5

I had been going to start on The Second Raid, but it's been so long since I've seen any of FMP, that I felt like I needed to just start over. The school sections in this season are kind of cringey, but some of the 3D work actually holds up better than I'd expected.
Kurau Phantom Memory eps 1-5 (dub)
Episode 1 was interesting with Kurau getting possessed, although a bit confusing when Christmas just popped into existence. I think I worked out what she is though. The rest have been 'X of the week' stuff with a little bit of overarching plot, with only one other confusion that cleared itself up in the next episode. I thought that the Rynax had left her and she had lost her powers, but it seems she's some sort of portal for other Rynaxs to come from where ever they come from because she was fine in the next episode and talked to the Rynax that came out of her body.

SAOA: GGO ep 6
Set almost entirely outside of GGO. They set up another Squad Jam and manage to shoehorn in the original SAO as a reason for why one of the participants wants to play and why some of the others have to play!

Persona 5 the Animation ep 7
The next member joins.
Amanchu! Advance episode 7 Forget diving here's some ghost and fantasy stuff? Suppose it adds a bit of variety.

Darling in the FranXX episode 18 This was never going to end well, bring on the final act. Also Hiro managed to get the death flags off him and 02 for another episode.

Hozuki's Coolheadedness 2nd Season 2nd Cour episode 20 Video games in hell and an ethereal trip to a mechanical mansion with a creepy prototype.

My Hero Academia 3rd Season episode 45 Discount Deadpool and a quirky magician. Oh and the Sasuk...Bakugo retrieval mission begins.

Persona 5 The Animation episode 7 It's for justice...probably.

Re-Kan episodes 1-13 (Complete. A decent but unremarkable supernatural comedy that has some touching moments sandwiched inbetween average comedy and an alright cast. It isn't an anime that stands out, it's just well, fine. Hence it's rating.) 3/5
The more I watch of magical girl site the more I'm doubtful this will ever get a UK release, for various reasons (You know, about 1/5 of all the content from Episode 1 to Episode 8 so far) I don't think this would get a rating.... at all
Violet evergarden 8-end
Well, this was slow going.

Heh, for me Violet Evergarden is one of the most fantastic anime ever made. Give me slow-paced, dialog-heavy, character-centric anime dramas any day. Ancient Magus' Bride was just as awesome. So great to have two tremendous and gorgeously animated drama anime out at much the same time. I've watched Violet at least 10 times through already, and Magus Bride at least 30 times through, between me showing them to my friends or re-watching them via anime Reactor videos on Youtube. I actually just finished showing episodes 6-13 of Violet Evergarden once again to a neighbor girl last night, and she totally loved it, too. My oldest daughter just got home from college for the summer, and we'll be watching VE together sometime in the coming week, right after we finish the second Season of Magus Bride. Fortunately, she's a strict subber like me, so at least this time I won't have to slog through the English dub of VE for a guest, which painfully offers up barely half of the dramatical impact of the Japanese presentation.
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@Girls wIth Guns

Have you seen March Comes in Like a Lion or Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu? Not only two of the best drama anime but also probably the top two anime of the last couple of years IMO.
I've never even heard of the latter, looks like an interesting premise though-another one added to the watchlist.
I've never even heard of the latter, looks like an interesting premise though-another one added to the watchlist.

Surprising. AL originally acquired it but they lost the licence around the same time as Sound Euphonium. :(

Must watch series.
Surprising. AL originally acquired it but they lost the license around the same time as Sound Euphonium. :(

Must watch series.
I still need to see March as well, but a large backlog means some series' slip through the cracks.
@Girls wIth Guns

Have you seen March Comes in Like a Lion or Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu? Not only two of the best drama anime but also probably the top two anime of the last couple of years IMO.

I tried to watch March Comes in like a Lion, but the comical elements in that one caused me to drop it by the third episode. I just can't handle comedy or chibi in anime at all, it is extremely irritating to me. Even with Ancient Magus Bride, I totally disliked the multiple chibi scenes in every episode, but at least they were very brief and fairly mild, without a bunch of screaming or yelling. And yes, I have watched some of Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu, but have not finished it yet.
I love dialogue heavy stuff after all monogatari is my fav anime but Violet Evergarden was so episodic imo that half of it felt useless. I think I liked about 4 eps after all.

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