ilmaestro said:
BanzaiJedi said:
Anti-Magic Academy: The 35th Test Platoon ep 11. This series is utterly generic and unimaginative from start to end. At least it's nearly finished.
I mean... you can finish watching it whenever you want to, you know. ^^;
If only my OCD allowed me such freedoms

Once I commit to a series I see it through to the end, unless it's
really bad or outright offensive.
Attack on Titan: Junior High ep 12 (complete). An action packed ending to an uneven series. Some episodes had a few decent laughs, some fell flat, so average overall. Could be much better, but could also be much worse.
Chivalry of a Failed Knight ep 12 (complete). A very predictable ending to the series (mainly because they showed it every week in the OP) but I'm happy enough to have watched it. And there was actual romantic progress as well, which makes a nice change for a shounen style show.
Owarimonogatari ep 1. I think Monogatari works better when watched in bulk over a few days, and now that Owari is finished (for now at least) I can start doing just that. And this first episode.... Hnnnnnggghhhh it's
sooooooo good, I actually caught myself grinning at the tv like a loon at several points. I'm going to thoroughly enjoy the next few days.
The Perfect Insider ep 11 (complete). What an utterly satisfying end to a wonderful series, I wish more anime had a proper ending/epilogue like this. In fact I think this is probably my favourite anime of the season (other than Owarimonogatari, naturally). I feel that I need to rewatch this at some point as I didn't give the early episodes the attention they were due, and also having a week between episodes made it tough for me to keep track of everything being discussed throughout the series, so I'm hoping for a UK BluRay announcement soon.
Young Black Jack ep 12 (complete). This series does go over the top and silly every so often, but that doesn't take anything away from the truly fascinating stories which have explored so many themes and issues related to the '60s setting (many of which continue to resonate to this day), along with a cast of wonderful characters. I'm so pleased that I chose to watch this series despite only having seen the movie previously, and I'm now thinking about tracking down the original series, or at least buying the manga.