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Space Brothers episode 20

Mangaranga said:
Suppose I should order K-On!! Collection 2 at some point.

Mars Daybreak - Episodes 1 - 5

I knew nothing about this and bought purely because it had mecha in it, but it is surprisingly good so far and am looking forward to seeing the rest of it, plus Bones really know how to do good looking mecha shows!

Muv Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse - Episode 7

But I'm not so sure about this at the moment.
Stil ploughing through and enjoying Durarara.

Just finished Anohana. At first I was shouting at them all for crying so much but I got pretty upset myself at some points...
Joshawott said:
Is the ending similar to that of the manga?

No idea to be honest. After a great emotional build-up in episode 20 - Final performance, the last episodes I pretty much said: "Really?", I just felt underwhelmed unlike alot of people, which I totally understand. :)
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