Your anime viewing journal

Watched Psycho Pass Episodes 7-12 over the past two nights, gripping stuff. Probably won't watch any more until the end of the week due to Football, but really liking this show.
watched episodes 18 & 19 last night. hope to finish it by tomorrow/thursday.

it's Mushishi, Shuffle or Sekirei next to watch as I don't think I can get away with Hellsing Ultimate 5-8 as the OH hasn't watched 1-4. Booooo.
Watching the AoT Blu-Ray with the dub - is it just me or is the mixing a little strange? It's not too noticeable, but the dub feels very quiet in places, almost as if it's been faded too low in the mix beneath the SFX.
bakum4tsu said:
-Danielle- said:
Welcome to the NHK episodes 15-17.

Still trying to fully get back into anime. Hopefully will succeed :)

I am rewatching this series at the moment too xD

Though I am around episode 10 maybe.

I'm finally reading the manga. Its pretty darn good. Nice bleak look at otaku culture.

Zankyou no Terror 09 - Really THE series of the year for me so far. Only 2 episodes left, PLEASE end well!
Lutga said:
Watching the AoT Blu-Ray with the dub - is it just me or is the mixing a little strange? It's not too noticeable, but the dub feels very quiet in places, almost as if it's been faded too low in the mix beneath the SFX.
Sounds like every 5.1 Funi dub ever to me to be honest. I'm forever turning the volume up and down for their dubs.
Even the Japanese audio tracks on Funi releases sound quieter than usual, with the difference being that things aren't loud one moment then back to normal the next.
I watched monster with my dad and mom tonight and you should of seen my dad.......on episode 29

he bastard!!!!!! near the end of that ep

looks like I convicted him that anime can be good
Akame ga Kill ep11.

Blue Spring Ride ep11 & OVA. The OVA is just a prologue made up of the middle school flashbacks you see in the main series, worth a look for fans.

Campione ep3-4.
Blue Gender - Episode 1

I really like Blue Gender and this is my fourth viewing of it (but my first in about 4 years), after watching this first episode again my view of it remains undiminished.
Gemsy, by your post, does that mean the series only has 10 episodes therefore it has finished over in Japan? If so, does that mean hopefully they can get to work on the dubbing so that I may see this sweet sweet thing next year???! :p :)

Didnt clock in any anime last night but I aim to get through more NHK if not it all.