Your anime viewing journal

Baby Steps ep 3.

Daimidaler: Prince vs Penguin Empire ep 3. I will never look at vacuum cleaner instruction manuals in the same way again... :oops:

Nobunaga the Fool ep 15.

The World is Still Beautiful ep 3.
Code Geass - Episode 5

Nobunaga the Fool - Episode 15

Mobile Suit Gundam F91 (Blu-ray)

The limitations of its origins are obvious with the resulting clunky plot but I still really like F91 and IMO it has the best animation of the whole Gundam franchise, the level of detail, movement and fluidity from start to finish is astounding and Blu-ray shows it off perfectly.
Air Gear Ep 1 (Recommended by a friend but I can't get into it)
InuYasha 1-4 (Always wanted to check it out too see what the fuss is about, started off good but same repetitive thing every episode and I've heard it gets worse)
One Piece 641
One piece is awesome I'm on collection 10 and I'm nearing the end of the DVD which is a shame cause I really want to know what happens next.........but that can't be helped til I get the other collections
M3 the Dark Metal - Episode 1

I was very underwhelmed by this, Knights of Sidonia does the humans verses aliens thing much better IMO, plus it seems to me to be the main theme of mecha shows this season.

Code Geass - Episodes 6 - 9

I'm quite enjoying this so far, I've been watching the picture drama as well, and I just rolled my eyes at the second one!!