Your anime viewing journal

NormanicGrav said:
Robotics;Notes (English Dub) - Episode 1

This dub sounds interesting to listen to, must be the female lead being hyper.
Having watched episodes 1 - 8 Dubbed I actually think it's a pretty solid dub. I definitely enjoyed it much more than Psycho Pass's meh dub. Unfortunately I don't think that a good dub will save the dull second half of the series or the crappy ending.

Gemsy-chan said:
Eps 8-22 of Psycho-Pass...such a good series. Ends well but could do with either a short series or a movie to deal with the truth behind the Sibyl system.
It's old news, but you'll be happy to know that there's going to be a Movie AND a Second Series.
Wizard Barristers 10
I remember back in the days when I was hoping for an anime based around wizard barristers, not mechs and age-old plots to resurrect Satan
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I'm going to take a brake from kenichi and watch bleach, the sword beasts arc or whatever it's called then after finishing that il go watch the second half of kenichi.

I cant sit still with long series so it's best to watch at least a 26 episode series but if it's longer then that il take a brake half way and watch something else.........

I have about 7 series that goes past the 26 mark so il just take brakes between them I for the life of me just can't sit still with long series .........unless there like FMA or death note or something that keeps me the moment I'm watching kenichi......It's a bout fights and fan service...* God shigure and miu are Sexy* and its funny but it doesn't have a very interesting story but it's fun to watch.

Anyways bleach set 12 tomorrow
Psycho-Pass (Japanese Dub) - Episodes 1, 2, 3, 4

Having little knowledge of this series (and blind buying the Premium set), I'm loving this show and the Psycho Pass song.
Space Dandy: Episode 11
Night Raid 1931: Episode 1
Golden Boy: Episodes 4 - 6

Best line ever: "You know what they say about men who dive Porsche's...tiny penises! Outta my way pencil dick!"
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GolGotha said:
Space Dandy: Episode 11
Night Raid 1931: Episode 1
Golden Boy: Episodes 4 - 6

Best line ever: "You know what they say about men who dive Porsche's...tiny penises! Outta my way pencil dick!"

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bakum4tsu said:
Gemsy-chan said:
NormanicGrav said:
Funny you say that, there's more Psycho Pass being planned hence the Season 1 on the Funimation release.
Yeah i just found that there's gonna be a movie....looking forward to it.

Eps 5-7 of Nobunaga The Fool

And a second season too. It was announced a few months ago. I am really looking forward to it.
I didn't know that i do it makes me very happy.

Eps 8-10 of Nobunaga the Fool
Ep 23 of Diamond no Ace
Hakuoki s2 ep 8-10 *complete*. I felt this second season had the same problems as the first, but I found the storyline more interesting. Unusual to see most of the cast dead by the end, though. Could have done with another episode to act as an epilogue.

Nagi no Asukara ep 23. The ending is taking shape. Looks like everyone will confess their feelings soon, although I'm not sure how that will stop the world from ending.

The Pilot's Love Song ep 10. Those guys must be nuts to go into a dogfight with just a bolt-action rifle for defense.

Wake Up, Girls! ep 10. I didn't see that coming. I-1 have stolen their best song!
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Space Dandy 11
What a valuable life lesson for us all. Shame that if I remind you all of what it was, you'll forget it.

Sakura Trick 10
Kaede is definitely best girl.
GolGotha said:
Cowboy Bebop: Episodes 1 - 9

Its a rewatch, am I right? I am thinking of rewatching it soon. First I did not enjoy it that much, I guess I am one of the few people in the world that feels that about the series... lol Lets see what I think next time...
No it's not actually, except episode 1. I recorded it off the TV on to VHS, back in the day along with various other shows, but either lost them or forgot about them.

And typically, took a long break from anime and pretty much missed Beez completely ^^'
GolGotha said:
No it's not actually, except episode 1. I recorded it off the TV on to VHS, back in the day along with various other shows, but either lost them or forgot about them.

And typically, took a long break from anime and pretty much missed Beez completely ^^'

Hey guys we have a newbie of bepop here
GolGotha said:
No it's not actually, except episode 1. I recorded it off the TV on to VHS, back in the day along with various other shows, but either lost them or forgot about them.

And typically, took a long break from anime and pretty much missed Beez completely ^^'

Just let us know what you think about it then :)