Your anime viewing journal

Kokoro Connect - Episodes 5 - 9 (Sub)
Kyoukai no Kanata - Episode 3
Kill La Kill - Episode 3
Golden Time - Episode 3

Undecided whether I'll be continuing with Samurai Flamenco at this point. The first episode didn't really do anything for me, and I've got plenty other shows to watch.
Haganai: I Don't Have Many Friends (English Dub) - Episodes 3 and 4

Oh the precious melons. Precious, precious melons. Gotta love Sena (and Kodaka [he's like a successor to Kyon from Haruhi Suzumiya]).

Oh wow, Evangelion reference in Episode 4. Hold the phone, that 'The answer is always rape' meme is Rika, woah.
Kokoro Connect - Episodes 10 - 13 (Sub)
Campione - Episode 1 (Sub)

NormanicGrav said:
Gotta love Sena (and Kodaka [he's like a successor to Kyon from Haruhi Suzumiya]).
Funny thing you mention that, whenever I read the Manga I can't help but read Kodaka's lines in Crispin Freeman's Kyon voice.
Patema Inverted

This was absolutely brilliant. The gravity concept was wonderfully executed and it made the movie really engaging, both visually and emotionally. I loved the world building and the perspective shifts, and the relationship between Patema and Age was believable and heartwarming. The main villain was a bit too obviously "BWAHAHAHA I'M EVIL AND I KILL PUPPIES" which seemed jarring to me, but that was a minor flaw. I'm glad it's been picked up for a UK release.
Had some time off over the last week and watched

Nisemonogatari 1-11 - rewatch
Okamisan & her seven companions 1-12 - was a little worried about this one after a few middling reviews, enjoyable and ended about where I expected it too
Louie the Rune Soldier 1-24 - picked this up a while back from my local CEX, old school fantasy romp, nothing ground breaking per se
I stated I'd watch nine or ten titles and I'm up to date with.

Log Horizon
Galilei Donna
Beyond the Boundary

I'll put the top two on hold and start Samurai Flamenco, Wanna Be the Strongest in the World this week. The bottom two are too much fun and great animation to ignore.
Coppelion - Epiosde 3

elixEideJ said:
Coppelion ep 3. Still no improvement, so I'm dropping it. Bad.

I know where your coming from, there elements I really like about Coppelion but the writing seems to squander them, and my heart sank a little when I saw that freeze frame at the end of the episode!