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Another (Japanese Dub) - Episodes 1 and 2

I'm slowly getting used to the OP and I like the ED.
So far, this show is getting promising and it's got some mystery behind these sudden reactions with the students around the main character.
Another (Japanese Dub) - Episodes 3 and 4

First of, HSWTFDIJW?!

Secondly, I'm disappointed that two characters I get attached to suddenly get brutally killed, but since this is a curse involving death (it's like Final Destination without the premonition involved) it's the main flippin character's fault for ignoring the signs. He knows what's going on but why on earth is he still hanging around with a ghost? Still, it does urge me to watch more of the show.
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Another (Japanese Dub) - Episodes 5, 6 and 7

Summary and facts with my thoughts for 5-7:
So far the show has cleared up a few bits of info;
- Kouichi was treated the same way as Mei because of the lucky charm that could save the students in Class 3.
- Unfortunately it was too late and the curse continued which makes sense since the class saw them from time to time.
- The deaths can only occur in the town and those outside will remain unharmed, including Kouichi's dad who's in India.
- One of the students had a heart attack due to his heart condition and the teacher commited suicide due to pressure from the curse and murdering his ill mother.
- The librarian seems to be the key behind the whole mess due to his ties with all of the incidents over the past few decades. My guess is that he finds out the key to stopping the curse at the cost of his own life.
- The red-head tsundere chick is rather 'hot', not to mention there's a beach episode next.
- Mei is 'human' but I get the feeling she isn't.
- Kouichi's mother was a victim of the curse which makes us believe Kouichi himself was the extra student who started the current mess.

Overall, I'm really tempted to continue watching this in a row. The show has a few holes in the plot but it's interesting, slightly original and different to other shows and has a decent Japanese dub. It's predictable that more death will occur throughout the show (at least once per episode from Episode 3 onwards) but it's also unpredictable to who will die next.

BBFC haven't rated the show yet and by judging the content of the past 7 episodes, it's safe to say the show will most likely be given the 18 rating for few reasons:
- The horror element may shock minors, which will bump the rating to a 12-15.
- The gore is rather high, especially with some of the penetrations, bumping the rating to a 15-18 level.
- And the most notable one, the teacher suicide, is rather graphic and will could likely gain a cut from the board, if it goes uncut then it will put the show at an 18 level.
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Sword Art Online, episodes 13-15.

All is forgiven SAO, I never truly understood what you were all about until episode 14. I was stupid to expect well-paced narrative; consistent and emotionally-complex main characters; and a satisfying villain with even the faintest whiff of a motive. You're obviously a slapstick comedy - that's all too clear now! :lol:

With the end of the Aincrad arc and the genuinely hilarious faux-death of Kirito and Asuna, I enter the next arc, which is already shaping up to be a dung-heap. "Sure thing, Sugou, my main man - you can wed my daughter. She's currently in a coma, but hey, what do I care?" Give Sugou a curly mustache to twirl and we have ourselves a genuine vaudevillian antagonist.

This series should have been devoted entirely to the first arc. Hell, I'd have a healthy respect for the show's producers if they'd ended it at episode 14 as opposed to stretching it out to fit 25 episodes.
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Another (Japanese Dub) - Episode 8

Summary and facts with my thoughts for 8:
- More information was detailed to stop more deaths.
- Fanservice without the nakedness. Surprised their girls were more plotted than I expected.Boobs, Boobs everywhere.
- They were outside the town but one of them got killed, Open Water style.
- Just like Final Destination, they can't escape death.
- Speaking of the latest victim, why on earth would you chase after the ball when it's going adrift into the sea? Are you mad? You should be because you are dead. Now everyone thinks the curse is outside the area which doesn't make sense. His death is probably an accidental coincidence rather than caused by 'Another'.
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Gunslinger Girl2 11-13 + OVAs rewatch to finish.
Darker Than Black2 OVAs 1-4 which fitted nicely between seasons 1&2.
The Squid Girl 9-12 to finish a series which after not being convinced initially grew on me. Chuckling out loud is always a good sign.
Finished Chihayafuru 2 last night, I want more dammit :cry: There is an ova in september so thats something I suppose.
Should finish Panty & Stocking tonight.
Another (Japanese Dub) - Episode 9

Summary and facts with my thoughts for 9:
- We learn what happens to the drowned muppet, turns out he was going to die from what happened in Yomiyama. So the curse shouldn't occur outside the town unless the victim damaged himself by near death means.
- The past is revealed! The class trip went to the shrine to try and stop the curse; it rained and two people were killed; one by lightning and another by slipping and falling off the mountain. Unfortunately the tape was damaged and the clue isn't revealed.
- Two more victims from the present class 3; one by crushed from a building vehicle from his own room by penetrating the window and another by rock debris hitting the car and driving the vehicle with a family and the student off the road (though their bodies aren't revealed).
- This show just gets more tense each time.
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Black Lagoon series 2

Seen it before, but damn the end of the vampire twins story always makes me shed a tear. Glad for a lighter hearted one after with Revy being awesome. I really fancy her, but I have a thing for unbalanced women wielding guns!

Dragonball season 2, disc 2

Goku gets to the top of Muscle Tower with the aid of the frist cyborg of the series #8, who shares similarities with DBZ #16.

Oh I recall what I wanted to ask. Do the UK DBZ sets come with the booklets the US sets came with? The cases are different, so I wondered if that was different to?
Mr Vile said:
Black Lagoon series 2

Seen it before, but damn the end of the vampire twins story always makes me shed a tear. Glad for a lighter hearted one after with Revy being awesome. I really fancy her, but I have a thing for unbalanced women wielding guns!

Dragonball season 2, disc 2

Goku gets to the top of Muscle Tower with the aid of the frist cyborg of the series #8, who shares similarities with DBZ #16.

Oh I recall what I wanted to ask. Do the UK DBZ sets come with the booklets the US sets came with? The cases are different, so I wondered if that was different to?

No booklets I'm afraid. Woulda been nice though.
That's a pity, they're really nice. Little character bios and short episode summaries. Glad I picked them up on import now. I mean they're not a huge loss, just a nice extra really.
Sword Art Online, episodes 16-18.

It only took 'em an entire story arc, but finally the pacing troubles seem to be over and done with. Just a shame this new arc is contrived drivel. The villain has obviously still to finish reading his copy of How to do Evil for Dummies. Quite like the guy - he's too stupid to hate.
Detonator Orgun - Episodes 1 - 3 [Final]

I've lost count the number of times I've seen this and still one of my all time favourites, Detonator Orgun is pretty much my perfect anime and Masami Obari's best work IMHO. Stuff like this is a constant reminder of why I love anime so much.

Metal Armor Dragonar - Episodes 9 - 10

More great mecha anime!! It's been a good day today.