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Pokemon Black & White Ep.31

Oh my God, they actually played the 'Ash doesn't get "it" ' card: 'the couples are really good buddies, right?'

I'd have thought in all those years together Brock would've explained some things to him. Guess this officially kills all shipping theories involving Ash as nothing more than one sided crushes from the girls/boys/pokemon.

Also, I think Iris has some problems: 'Whenever I think about love I eat'. This will not end well for you, poor girl. No amount of eating will fill that empty space in you.

Kaleido Star Ep.4-6
Madoka eps. 1-4

I thought it'd be a good idea to watch my Madman v1 BD (what a waste that was... nice box though) to determine whether or not I actually wanted the UK set. Let's put it this way: I'm not gonna be cancelling my pre-order. Somehow in my 18 years of watching anime I've managed to avoid every mahou shoujo show ever produced, so I don't know to what extent this is a subversion or deconstruction of the genre. What I do know is that episodes 3 & 4 were some of the most enthralling anime I've watched in a good while. The latter part of episode 3 hit me like a train. I knew this series was dark, and a sense of foreboding was there from the start, but I didn't expect that to happen so quickly and dramatically.
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Space Brothers - Episode 29

Muv Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse - Episode 16

This blows hot and cold for me, the current arc is more pointless filler again.

Psycho Pass - Episode 3

This so wants to be GitS:SAC, but lacks GitS:SAC sharpness at the moment.