Your anime viewing journal

Magi Ep.3

Blue Drop Ep.4-6

Minami-ke Omatase (OVA)

It might only be an OVA but it's still good to have it back. Hosoka gets a song and takes his shirt off, genius!

Pokemon B & White Ep.26
Time to wrap up the collection of SLA titles watched:

After School Midnighters - This was fun, and weird all in the same. My first reaction after it ended was "what the heck did we just watch" but not meant badly. It's entirely CG and even motion captured for "Mr Kun" the anatomic mannequin. It's really good fun though, and feels very theme park-like in execution. I liked the idea that, you could actually watch the film with no real voice acting and you could still get what was going on and follow it fine.

Berserk 1: The egg of the king -Now we're onto the centre-piece for the entire SLA for me, Berserk. Would this go wrong? would this be exactly what it needed? was the CG overkill? Simply put, this is a magnificent piece of work and the "hybrid" style of animation to CG works extremely well, surprisingly so even. They capture exactly what they have to and never feel too rushed despite being only an 80 minute film. Sure, it skipped bits, but it captured the more significant parts of what is the golden age well.

Berserk 2: The Battle for Doldrey - This won SLA for me(and only just actually, see later). My favourite part of the golden age is this segment. Casca is no longer a background character and is finally central, the whole section with Guts and Casca here is superbly done, and captures what really stands out as some of my favourite character development in a series. The animation(bar one wee segment with the king later on) is just as good, if not better in places than film 1, and again it never feels rushed. I only had one concern with the sections they didn't include actually, and i don't know why since i would've thought it'd be included, but The whole burning down of the tower full of conspirators against griffith, including the queen, was taken away. I'd have thought that quite necessary as it's the last act Guts does for Griffith before he leaves. But again, asides from that, it's brilliant.

Nerawareta Gakuen - Everyone who went will say, with no issues here, this was the biggest disappointment of the show. I say it's not entirely terrible and had decent moments with the animation, imagery and such, but the general consensus is that, it's bad, really bad. I maybe wouldn't watch it unless you have to, i still think there was a couple of bits that where ok, but i can't justify calling it good at all. mediocre is probably the best i'd give it.

Mirai Project - This was 4 shorts, Juju the weightless Dugong - tells a really nice story about a child who desperately wants to go to the ocean and swim with her dad, but he's afraid to do so. Its really nicely done, and animation is really good quality. The second was "Pretending Not to See" which was basically a story of children and bullying. Maybe a little too preachy, but it was nice. the art style was very child-like as well. "Lil Spider girl" was my least favourite of the lot. I can't exactly explain why, but it just didn't work for me. It started off nice, but by midway i was a bit put-off. "Buta" was the last short, based around a samurai(or Yojimbo) pig, pirates, and a kid who gets dragged away holding onto his map. It's nice and fun, but i wouldn't say more than that. It was bold though, as it said at the end "to be continued"

Wolf Children Ame and Yuki - This...i can't put to words. So i'll write what i said on twitter. "A story about freedom, or rather, freedom of choice, beautifully told by Mamoru Hosoda". It nearly took top spot for me during SLA. Arguably it's his strongest work to date as well. It's just such a wonderful film, you'd be mad not to give it a watch.
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Arbalest said:
Berserk 1: The egg of the king

It's just a shame you couldn't have somehow screenshotted that Berserk-related exchange you had on the 3DS with the guy in the cinema. I think it perfectly summed up Berserk's main selling points... :D

I would agree on Nerawareta Gakuen as well. I didn't think it was a dead loss the way many folk did, but it was very underwhelming. It's a great shame it couldn't have been something special, given that it was the world premiere into the bargain.

One interesting comment we got in the bar afterwards was that a great film could possibly be made from its footage, but it would probably have taken someone like Carl Macek to do it.
In order:
tied 1st - Wolf children
tied 1st - Berserk II
After School Midnighters
Berserk I
Blood c
Ninja scroll
Anime Mirai
Nerawareta Gakuen
Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team - Episode 1

Time for a rewatch one of my favorite Gundam shows, I love the opening battle in space in this episode.