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Kokoro Connect 1-11

I decided to give this a watch despite being wary of what seemed like a gimmicky premise. An alien? Trollmaster General amusing himself by putting five high school kids through body-swapping and whatever else in order to force them to confront their (inter)personal problems? Oh, Japan! To my surprise, though, it actually works and thanks to a colourful cast of characters it's been a mostly enjoyable ride that leaves me feeling warm and fuzzy. But the TOTALLY UNEXPECTED love triangle development is kind of lame and the continual angsting is starting to get a little tiresome. The show basically progresses like this: one or more characters ANGST themselves into a stupor > someone, usually Taichi, says (or screams) something profound, cheesy, or profoundly cheesy > everyone is fwiends again > rinse and repeat. Can't they just have an orgy or something?

Also, why is Mitsuki from KimiNozo reviled by half the interweb for making a move on her comatose friend's boyfriend while Inaba is one of the most popular characters of the summer season despite openly stating her intention to steal Taichi from his very-much conscious girlfriend (who is bizarrely okay with it because the plot needs to her to be okay with it) AND forcing a kiss onto him? Not directed at anyone in particular... except Josh =D
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fabricatedlunatic said:
Kokoro Connect 1-11

I decided to give this a watch despite being wary of what seemed like a gimmicky premise. An alien? Trollmaster General amusing himself by putting five high school kids through body-swapping and whatever else in order to force them to confront their (inter)personal problems? Oh, Japan! To my surprise, though, it actually works and thanks to a colourful cast of characters it's been a mostly enjoyable ride that leaves me feeling warm and fuzzy. But the TOTALLY UNEXPECTED love triangle development is kind of lame and the continual angsting is starting to get a little tiresome. The show basically progresses like this: one or more characters ANGST themselves into a stupor > someone, usually Taichi, says (or screams) something profound, cheesy, or profoundly cheesy > everyone is fwiends again > rinse and repeat. Can't they just have an orgy or something?

Also, why is Mitsuki from KimiNozo reviled by half the interweb for making a move on her comatose friend's boyfriend while Inaba is one of the most popular characters of the summer season despite openly stating her intention to steal Taichi from his very-much conscious girlfriend (who is bizarrely okay with it because the plot needs to her to be okay with it) AND forcing a kiss onto him? Not directed at anyone in particular... except Josh =D
I prefer Iori over Inaba anyway. A friend of mine who is watching the show as well is a huge Inaba fan, but I definitely prefer Iori. In an ideal world, I'd have Taichi get with Iori, but I had to accept that isn't happening (and I agree that the resolution of the love triangle was one of the weaker, or perhaps even weakest, part of the show).

I think it's because Inaba is the fan service magnet of the show (what with a certain confession of hers to Taichi early on) and how she has a general mature-yet-cute appearance, as opposed to Iori who is mainly cute and Yui who has such little screen presence. Whereas Mitsuki had a more mature and strong image, especially when compared to Haruna...who aside from being comatose and/or frail for most of Rumbling Hearts, was cuter and shy before the accident. Also, Inaba has her own problems, while Mitsuki didn't really have any.

I see your point though, but I'm an Iori fan anyways.
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Eureka Seven AO 22

AMZXBZWIEQNCLGRSBOJBMFFFFFUUUUU pretty much sums up my reaction to this episode at the end!

I enjoyed this episode a lot more than some of the previous ones. Gotta admit I cheered when Ao told Naru that he thought she was more like an older sister (whether that's true or not I don't know). That's what you get for NTR'ing Ao with that cad Truth! Ahem, other than that, everything seemed finely poised for a final battle between Ao and Truth...

Suddenly RENTON!!! At last he makes his appearance, albeit in a flash-forward to the future on his own. Still, it looks like things will finally resolve themselves with Renton, Eureka and Ao. So now we have to wait until November to find out how this will tie up....gaaaaagh Bones have got me on tenterhooks here with that cliffhanger! I hope they can use the extra time to make the last two episodes really spectacular!

I will say that Eureka Seven AO hasn't quite been as consistently amazing as I thought it would have been after the first 4 episodes. Whenever the story focused on Ao and his search for his mother, it was at its strongest and I was really invested in the story. I think Ao is a terrific lead character and I've really been rooting for him the whole way. Whenever the show focused on Scub Corals and Secret hunting or on Nakamura's schemes, Gazelle and his crew's various dealings and especially on Truth and Naru, I tended to lose interest. Still I have faith that the folks at Bones will deliver a strong and emotional finale.
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Strike Witches 2 9-12 [END]

Personally, I thought this series was pretty meh. Hartmann and Barkhorn made this series watchable and I'm not just saying that because they're my favourite characters. Also, after season one you would have thought the military would have learned that trying to use neuroi technology is a no-no...

This series' main strength was that it gave screen time to characters who lacked it in season 1 (like Eila and Hartmann, who I ended up loving after this season).

Season 1 was good, but nothing ground breaking. Season 2 was really average and at times I felt like it was trying too hard to be like season 1.
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Moyashimon Season 1 - Complete - Got through 8-11 last night and it surprised me, i wasn't expecting the series to be as enjoyable as it was. The particular topic did come across as a bit iffy at first, but as it got into the swing of things, it really was nice. The microbes are pretty cool as well throughout it. Am i right in saying only 2 volumes of the manga got released in english? since i'd love to get my hands on that.

Moyashimon Returns - 1 - Got stuck into this as well straight after to see how it fairs in comparison. The change in art style did catch me off guard, and i don't think it was necessary, specially when the first season was far better, but it's not entirely bad. The microbes are still animated the same it looks like, so at least one area was kept the same. Regardless, i'm looking forward to getting my teeth into this too, and where the series leads on(and more Oikawa is always welcome along the way).

Nisemonogatari 1 - Finally made a start on this too(inb4 took you long enough) and it keeps to the same fantastic dialogue i've come to expect from the series. Sure, it feels more introductory again than anything else, but it's nice, and exactly as i hoped it'd be like. Shall be digging into episode 2-3 later on as well.
Arbalest said:
Moyashimon Season 1 - Complete Am i right in saying only 2 volumes of the manga got released in english? since i'd love to get my hands on that.

There were, I have both of them. The pace is rather slower than that of the series, but I think the art is a little bit nicer than it was in the anime. Apparently volume 3 is due an English release too, but not until April next year :(
Joshawott said:
I think it's because Inaba is the fan service magnet of the show (what with a certain confession of hers to Taichi early on) and how she has a general mature-yet-cute appearance, as opposed to Iori who is mainly cute and Yui who has such little screen presence. Whereas Mitsuki had a more mature and strong image, especially when compared to Haruna...who aside from being comatose and/or frail for most of Rumbling Hearts, was cuter and shy before the accident. Also, Inaba has her own problems, while Mitsuki didn't really have any.
So, basically, Inaba is a more likeable character and that gets her off the hook? I'd go along with that. I really like Inaba myself; she has that vulnerability-hidden-beneath-a-tough-exterior thing going on, as well as a lethal combination of cuteness and poise, and it's hard not to be charmed by how forthright she is most of the time.

Iori's genkiness is a powerful force, though. And oh man... those denim shorts.

Watched the last two (for now) episodes today. I really didn't care for the final arc. It was just more of the same angst > resolution pattern that I'd grown tired of during the overly dramatic second arc. The absolute low point was Aoki's "oh hai ex-girlfriend whom I haven't seen since middle school, just wanted to tell you I don't love you no more, bai" arsehattery. It may have been just super for him to get that off his chest, but I couldn't help but feel bad for her.

Eh. Don't know if I'll bother with the next set of episodes, however/whenever they're released.
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Kokoro Connect


That was quite a let down of an ending, obviously there's an extra couple of episodes to come, but I honestly felt pretty 'meh' about this episode and it felt like it was really trying to be a series wrap up.

Has to be a 2nd season, even if it's in a years time. Looking at Wikipedia they'll still have at least 5 volumes of the source material to work through.
Kokoro Connect 13
Sword Art Online 13

Both pretty meh episodes this week.

20thCenturyBoy said:
Kokoro Connect


That was quite a let down of an ending, obviously there's an extra couple of episodes to come, but I honestly felt pretty 'meh' about this episode and it felt like it was really trying to be a series wrap up.

Has to be a 2nd season, even if it's in a years time. Looking at Wikipedia they'll still have at least 5 volumes of the source material to work through.
There's another 4 episodes due out on DVD/BD next year. I doubt we'll see a season 2 though. Purely because of the failed PR stunt controversy.
Tiger & Bunny Ep.6

One Piece Ep.566

Franky has a BEAM! :eek: :eek: . Kinda surprised how Hordy went down, was expecting him to be undone by the energy steriods putting too much pressure on his body.

From The New World Ep.1

I hadn't planned on watching this show this season, but re-reading the synopsis I thought it might be worth a go, and boy was I right. Thought this was an excellent first episode, captivating and intriguing. Loved the idea that Reiko's parents have lost multiple children to this, quite disturbing that.