Your anime viewing journal

Rui said:
animefreak17 said:
I'm watching twelve kingdoms and I swear I'm bored to tears, and theres another 9 disc to go, something about this series rubs me the wrong way

If you're just at the start, stick with it. The lead characters are all whiny and annoying to begin with but as things progress it becomes amazing. Also one of the best characters appears later :D

Also, Witchblade is cooler than it deserves to be. I think it will surprise you.


I agree with Rui - you should give Twelve Kingdoms a chance.

animefreak17 said:
about witchblade i hear its a anime adaptation from a live action movie. ok fine il give it ago when i reach it

once again thank youRUI

Witchblade is an American comic series. There is also a TV series, a live action film, an anime, a manga and a Japanese novel.

While each different version is set in the same universe the anime, manga and novel have different witchblade wielders and are set in Japan in the future.
fine fine il stick with twelve kingdoms, but i have a problem,

im watching anime like i always do and i swear i cant remember the characters names for the life of me i cant remember, it also annoys me when characters are having a a talk about something and they mention a bunch of people's names im just at lose, i can remember short japanese names but i cant remember long names,
It's June. It's Higurashi month.

Started re-watching the series, up to episode 10.

After reading the manga and playing the Visual Novel it is so apparent at just how bad an adaptation it is - the conclusion of Abducted by Demons will make no sense in the long term.

But the eerie music is nice, as are the constant cicada chirping. Helps somewhat that audio part.
Those first 4 or 5 episodes of Higurashi are the most nerve-shredding anime I've seen (the rest of the first series is less interesting, but that's neither here nor there). I can't imagine the manga or visual novel forms conveying the atmosphere as effectively, though perhaps I just lack imagination.


Broken Blade 1-2

Nothing about this show is outright terrible, but nothing about it is particular good either. It's so tepid that I find it difficult to even find anything to write about. A hundred minutes into the series and the plot has amounted to this: country A attacks country B because country B were supposedly complicit in the aggressive actions of country C. They fight lots in giant mechs.

On one side you've got an "average" guy who is reluctantly thrust into the war when he JUST HAPPENS to discover that he has the ability to pilot an uber l33t mech that nobody else can; on the other side is his old friend from the military academy, a dark and brooding self-righteous type. And the supporting cast are no more interesting.

If the series does one thing right, it's the mech battles, which when fought up close and personal are exciting and dynamic. I do have to question the wisdom behind the decision to make their weapons giant nail guns, which fire with a soft thud; less exciting gun battles I can hardly imagine.

One final moan: the art design is plain (ooh, desert wastelands) and character designs are as generic as they come.

To say I'm hoping things pick up a bit soon would be an understatement!
depending if my dvd of fate/night film comes tomorrow

the twelve kingdoms disc 2
maburaho disc 2
and if they come tomorrow
fate/night film or metal skin

if not il watch 2 discs of the twelve kingdoms
Got a chance to watch a couple of things last night, albeit not much.

Hyouka 7 - I'm still very much enjoying this show. I know some have been put off because it's not exactly the most exciting of series, but it's good enough to keep me entertained. The more it goes on, the more i notice the focus shift a little to the characters than the mysteries, though they are still there. The mysteries are getting a little harder to predict as well at least, i'll give them that.

Godannar ~8 - Got myself caught up to where i was before and continued on finally. It's nothing special at all, heck it's pretty brainless, but it's enjoyable for the most part. I think now that the main story arc is creeping in however, it may get a bit more interesting. Shall look forward to this as i go.
Phantom Memory Kurau 1-10

Not 10 episodes in one day - but over a few! I'm not that hardcore ;)

It's an interesting Sci-Fi with hints of slice of life (which I personally find dull because I prefer a good dose of melodrama.) However, I'm enjoying this - as there is more action than slice of life moments. The dynamic between the two leads blur from maternal to life partners. There's a definite soul mate theme going on and you can almost feel that deep bond between Kurau and Christmas (who are technically the same person/energy?).

Good so far, hope it holds out till the end!
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Over the past few weeks I finally got up to date with one piece, I absolutely love this show and it's quite strange not having hundreds of episodes to watch. I watched the newest episodes of tsuritama, kids on the slope and lupin yesterday before the football and all three of these shows are must buys for me whenever they get an English based release.
Outside of streaming I finished the first part of dennou coil and I'm really enjoying the show as outside of the sci-fi element I feel it captures the mischievous and curiousness of childhood well. I also watched my first blu-ray which was redline and it blew me away with the visuals and I also really enjoyed the storyline although I personally feel the redline race required another 10 minutes to make it feel more spectacular as it was over a little too quickly (mind you those 10 minutes would have probably took another year to make due to the hand drawing).
Mysterious Girlfriend X ep 10.

Urge to kill rising.

F***ing psycho ex-crushes are sooo infuriating! Not that I'vexexperienced them outside of fictional scenarious, mind.
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Time to start catching up...

Mobile Suit Gundam AGE - Episodes 33 & 34

33 was average but 34 was quite good and I didn't expect Asemu to re-appear like that!
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Baka & Test 5-9

Lots and lots of really dumb fun. Makes some ill-advised attempts to wring pathos from its silly, shallow characters and situations, but I wasn't cringing so it couldn't have been all that bad. One thing I love about the show is its saturated colours, which are rich and vibrant without being overly bright like a lot of modern stuff. The comic-syle dot shading (or half-toning as Google helpfully informs me) is a nice touch as well.

Shiki 1-3

Oh yes, I like this a lot. Some of the character designs are a little bit "out there", especially considering the macabre happenings and occasionally menacing tone of these early episodes, but I'm really quite fond of them. Plot-wise it's a a slow burner but the writing and direction are keeping me interested. I just wish I didn't know so much about the show and what's causing all those mysterious deaths, though perhaps it would be obvious anyway...
Given our rate of about three episodes every six months, this is probably the easiest simulwatch project ever:

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