Your anime viewing journal

When you're watching something because it goes by quickly, I think it might be time to watch something else, man.

Have you seen Sexy Commando? If you just want ten minutes of nonsense, I'd say it's far more entertaining.
May have to check that out!

But basically I watch a lot of shows because I don't have to pay them too much attention, and I can be reading/browsing forums/whatever at the same time, 30-sai is definitely one of those. I do agree though, in principle.
D-1 Devastator - Episode 2 (Final)

A much better episode with a lot more happening in this one than the first one, it still isn't anything more than your typical inter-dimensional baddie vs good guy agency mecha OVA but I really enjoyed it and D-1 Devastator is a solid short OVA.
burst angel disc 1 ( jos attitude really pisses me off she and meg should get a room and make official for pete sake )
gunslinger girls disc 2 tonight