Your anime viewing journal

First off: That clip From Hellsing Ultimate VI is very well done, and i agree a lot with whats said, Seras is probably the most likeable character in the whole of Hellsing, the rest are good, but lack a lot compared to her. Does anyone actually know when we are to get Volume 5 released here, or 5 and 6 for that matter? I'd rather watch those episodes sooner rather than later, and i'm trying not to go the import or download route this time.

Second off: Currently watching through Darker than Black volumes 3 and 4, half way through the V.3. The previous two parter was very good i thought, and it seemed more focused on touching on Heis past a bit, so it was a decent bit of insight. Will say more though once i've finished the disk

Also planned tonight:

To Aru Kagaku no Railgun episode 7
Godannar or the end of berserk.
The End Of Evangelion

Right okay, now that I've watched that I can understand why people say its necessary to watch this after the end of the series. Although I think I may be more confused by how it ends now, then I was when I finished Ep 26.

Still, an awesome series and glad I watched it.
Ah My Buddha Volume 5. More of the same perverted fun. Although something serious is trying to come out I think.

Nabari Part 1. Sort of a modernised Naruto with ninjas in secret factions and hidden villages in the present day. The basic story is about a kid with a very powerful technique locked in him. Everybody is either out to protect him or take the technique from him, but he himself at first does not seem to care. From what I have seen so far I think this could be quite a decent show with a good mix of story, character development, seriousness and comedy.
Mutsumi said:
chaos said:
Just completed Death Note and started Tokko.

Death note anime is a lot better than the manga.

Death Note is my favourite manga ever, so this bodes well indeed.
While I loved the first part of the manga with a passion, teh second part dragged at parts, but the overall experience of reading DN is great. The anime cuts all the not so hot stuff from the second part which makes things a lot more dynamic and fun, IMO.

Only thing I didn't like was the end. As Light's death in the manga was TRULY great. I mean, he was supposed to look pathetic while begging Ryuk to write people's names in the DN.
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Please Teacher!: 1-2

Not liking this very much, at all. The lead is awful, having no qualities, or even a personality, and the 'teacher' is a fake, dream girl that only otaku could accept as real. The conversations between them have flowed so well so far that I'd be more entertained by creating stick-men and having them act out my own script. Plus, the teacher is f-ucking annoying with her "Priority one!" ****.
Code Geass (first half of s1): Well, things came up and the last disc took a long time to watch. This show is confusing, in some ways it's better than I expected and in others the impossible hype it always had makes it feel a little anticlimactic somehow. I don't care much for the characters and I can see a lot of things coming, even though seeing them unfold is still quite interesting. Ultimately it will probably end up as an average show in my collection, one I won't rewatch that often. I'm definitely enjoying the ride this time around so I'll continue buying it. If they can break through my resistance in the second half this could yet be a winner. It has all of the ingredients ready, I'm just waiting for it to bowl me over.

Hayate No Gotoku. Maybe I'm just in an unenthusiastic mood at the moment. This is a mediocre show that is completely carried by its absolutely ridiculous sense of humour and the godlike Norio Wakamoto. I dropped the manga very early on because I found it boring, and in many ways the anime doesn't improve on that with generic character designs, too many cute girls and irritating I've music. However, at some point in the mix the creators decided they didn't care and just pulled out all the stops to fill every spare second with parody and somehow it works. I have gone from not really wanting the show at all to being interested enough to plan to buy the rest. Having said that, I won't freak out if it's dropped halfway either. An enjoyable way to pass the time but again, this hasn't fully grabbed me after the first set.

Going to mop up the remains of the very watchable Wolf's Rain next, then hopefully find something compelling for my next new show.

But... it's essentially a shounen gag manga, with elements of more straightforward comedy. What else is there for it to live or die by than its sense of humor? (Apart from its awesome characters, but I'll let that one slide as a matter of opinion ;))
Well, the famous Hinagiku has only had one episode so far on set one :( so I'm going to have to keep watching to see the payload on the Utena parody...

I'm not the target audience at all (shounen school-related light comedies tend to annoy me in general these days - never ask me about School Rumble) so that I'm considering buying the rest at all is a good sign. I think my biggest regret is that I started watching it without my husband. He'd probably get a huge kick out of it, even if half of the jokes went over his head the first time around.

I loved the FFXI reference. It's rare for things to acknowledge that game.

You... you... didn't like School Rumble?


/remembers Rui said "never ask"

And as I have said to a few people, I've fallen in love with the series far more since reading the manga, to be fair, as much as I did like the anime.

The references are definitely some of the high points, it's a nice relief to find one too niche for me to get. ^^;
Completed Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 the other night. Enjoyed it very muchly. Made a nice change to the series I'd been watching recently. Very sad though. T_T
Also (to some peoples joy) I just started on Gunbuster last night. Only the saw the first 2 episodes so far like but loving it. Damn I miss 80's anime. lol
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Rui said:
I don't care much for the characters and I can see a lot of things coming, even though seeing them unfold is still quite interesting.
This is how I feel about the first 7 episodes, save for the "quite interesting" part. It's taken me a couple of weeks to get that far. I'm not liking how every piece of drama is milked to the point that it starts to become a bit of a joke. Ligh--er, Lelouch's sinister "pyscho mode" is unintentionally hilarious.

Also watching Shigurui, and enjoying that more. Once I've finished I'll write a few words in the "rate out of 10 thread". If I can be arsed.
Voddas said:
Completed Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 the other night. Enjoyed it very muchly. Made a nice change to the series I'd been watching recently. Very sad though. T_T
Also (to some peoples joy) I just started on Gunbuster last night. Only the saw the first 2 episodes so far like but loving it. Damn I miss 80's anime. lol
Yeah man, TM8.0 was great and hell year, GunBuster.

Haven't watched any anime all week had some important business to take care of, plus I've been ill, will try and speed blitz everything in the next two days. Ugh, man... falling behind is annoying.
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Watched over two nights! Completed Gunbuster (1988) before bed last night. I absolutely freaking loved it! I just can't understand why I hadn't watched it sooner. Looking forward to eventually watching the second series but I have a feeling it won't be as good as the first. Gave it 9/10 too. Awesomness. Time for an 80's anime binge me thinks.