Come with me once more on a journey to a place where youngsters commit terrible acts of violence and depravity. That's right, its...
Mitsudomoe: Episodes 1-8
I'm in no great hurry to finish Higurashi (particularly now there's so little left) so I thought I'd take a little diversion into something more light-hearted. The best way I can describe Mitsudomoe is an "uncute girls doing terrible things" show. Have you ever watched a CGDCT show and found yourself thinking
"This is okay, but wouldn't it be better if all the girls were angry/violent/stupid/creepy?" I know I have. Mitsudomoe is the answer to that question, and the answer is yes. I suppose ymmv depending on your penchant for particularly crude humour (episode 2's scatological shenanigans were probably the low point for me, less for the subject matter and more for the overuse of the same joke) but for the most part I've been uproariously entertained and the Nipples the hamster jokes are still not getting old. The show also trades quite heavily in misunderstandings for its comedy, some of which are quite cleverly constructed given its general low-brow nature.
That said, while I may be looking at this from the perspective of someone who barely even notices things other people might find offensive, I don't think Mitsudomoe seems all
that likely to offend. The kids certainly do (and know) some very age inappropriate things but it doesn't feel like they themselves are ever really being sexualised. Whenever there's a hint of anything lolicit it's always the result of a misunderstanding and adults and kids alike react with horror at the idea. Even Futaba's boob fixation isn't ever really framed as sexual and rather just a childish fascination, as is most talk of panties, boobs and bras. Perhaps it helps in this regard that Mitsudomoe's source manga has a female creator, which probably does also imbue the girls (over the top as they are) with a certain level of believability in their behaviour, or at least their internal thought processes.
Mitsudomoe is a gag show, as such there's not a whole lot of plot besides the basic premise that newly qualified teacher Yabe ("Yabecchi" to his entire irreverant class) has his naive dream of teaching shattered on his first day in the job when he is assigned the class of the Marui triplets, "the worst children in Japan" who proceed to ruin all his well meaning gestures (and relationships with the other teaching staff) with a mixture of cynicism, violence and perversion. Not that they don't have a lot of help from the rest of the class, who while not quite as out of control are still a bunch of oddballs who also seem to celebrate these traits.
As for the triplets themselves, they are all dialled up to eleven. In any other show even
one of these girls in the cast of characters would probably be considered enough comic relief. Futaba is both dumb and hard hitting as a brick but possessed of an innocence and infectious joy for life that makes her utterly loveable. Hitoha just can't help being a total creep around other people and would rather wallow in her own alienation than admit to liking the normal and popular things she enjoys alone, which attracts the wrong sort of attention. Each is highly entertaining in their own way but personally, I can't get enough Mitsuba. Whether it's solidarity with a fellow winner of the race to be born first (and the sense of both unearned superiority and begrudging responsibility that comes with that), her casual sadism or just her perpetually psychotic eyes (drawn deliberately so in contrast to everyone else). Parents, siblings, teachers, other kids, she has absolutely no respect for anyone else whatsoever. She's like Miu Matsuoka on crack (and is either unwilling or unable to display many emotions besides incandescent rage and schadenfreude, relatable) and I love her, particularly when she's putting poor little rich girl Sugisaki in her place.