Your anime viewing journal

Yakuza Fiancé: Raise wa Tanin ga Ii ep1: I struggled with most of this first episode, which pitched itself as a spicy yakuza romance then provided a lukewarm school romance instead. And the animation is weak, with simplistic designs and unambitious staging; the former could have worked if the direction was more exciting but as-is it's all very plain. I kept going because the voice cast is ridiculously good and mercifully the story picked up right at the end of the episode, with an utterly stupid reveal which actually worked and made me want to watch more. It earns a second episode to convince me that it will be the right kind of ridiculous from now on. I like that the yakuza families are portrayed more toxically instead of the comedy yakuza we've had in so many other shows lately; silly gangsters are funny too but problematic romances are often more interesting to watch.

Mecha-Ude: Mechanical Arms ep1: An urban action/sci-fi romp which really wants to be a less horny Kill la Kill, even down to getting Sawano on board for the theme music. It also has elements of the Parasyte series, because our insecure, awkward hero ends up hosting a giant, transforming mechanical arm-thing, effectively (and also literally) painting a target on his back for other wielders of similar arms to hunt him. There's a lot of style (albeit heavily borrowing from Kill la Kill) and a lot of combat, and everyone is spiky-haired and dramatic, so there's a lot to like here if you're after an all-ages action show with a typically bonkers storyline. In my case there's no hook which makes me want to continue enough to displace something else from my shortlist for the season. Cool logo, though.

Kinoko Inu ep1: Why does this show have full-length episodes? There was only enough content in the first for a short, but for some reason they decided to make it a full series and just make everything happen at a quarter of its normal speed with huge gaps in between each brief exchange of dialogue. Everything was dragged out so much that by the end I was struggling not to laugh at the calculatedly sad music and repeated shots of sad mementos, which is unfortunate because the actual story is a sad tale of pet loss. We're introduced to an introverted author who has recently lost the beloved dog he'd bonded with right after he was orphaned as a child, at which point a strange 'mushroom dog' appears in his garden and gently forces him to work through some of his grief. It would probably be perfectly charming as a series of shorts but this is just too much; too much slow-paced scene-setting, too much strangeness and way too much schmaltz.

DEMON LORD 2099 ep1: This sounded like irredeemable rubbish from its description on Crunchyroll so I was pleasantly surprised when it was only mediocre instead. An immortal demon lord loses in the climactic battle against the hero of his generic fantasy world, and when he revives he finds the world has changed into a generic cyberpunk rendition of post-apocalyptic Tokyo. The lead is utterly insufferable and keeps monologuing and doing idiotic things, so I have a lot of sympathy for the minion he meets who has made a life for himself and doesn't want to work for a literal loser any more. Most of the characters in this show suck, with the only ray of light coming from a sassy hacker girl who is obviously going to come back again later. The hero is blatantly coming back again later too, so the immortal/mortal distinction which underpinned the first act is unlikely to be all that relevant going forwards. The setting shows an astonishing lack of imagination in some ways (why, in a world with such advanced technology, is everyone watching crummy-looking modern day VTubers on the big screens in the street? Are VTubers futuristic now?) and almost nothing that happens makes any sense, but somehow it's all such a mess that it sort of works in spite of itself. If you just want to rewatch the familiar story of a pompous demon lord in an unusual setting and have a love of black and neon, this isn't as bad as it could have been.

I have not updated my viewing journal for a while. I did eventually finish the first season of Fire Force. The first OP was definitely a banger, so it won me over pretty quick. I enjoyed it for what it was, some good greasy Shonen. I'll checkout the second season at some point for sure.

Now, for maybe the past year or so I've been working on rewatching the entirety of Dragon Ball in Japanese (it is my all-time favourite anime and it has been a while since I have gone all the way through it). With Dragon Ball Daima now out, it has motivated me to get a move on! I think perhaps keeping track of my DB re-watch here may help.

In terms of progress, I've finished the original Dragon Ball (episodes 1-153) and the four Dragon Ball movies:
Curse of the Blood Rubies, Sleeping Princess in Devils Castle, Mystical Adventure, The Path to Power.

Next up is the first six episodes of Dragon Ball Z and then DBZ movie 1: Dead Zone.

This is a rough guide for my viewing order, if anyone is interested.
As a Reincarnated Aristocrat, I'll Use My Appraisal Skill to Rise in the World 2nd Season Episode 3

BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War Episode 28

My Hero Academia Season 7 Episode 21 (Complete)

Ranma ½ (2024) Episode 2

The Healer Who Was Banished From His Party, Is, in Fact, the Strongest Episode 2

You Are Ms. Servant Episode 2
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Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest episode 14 Punk.

MF Ghost 2nd Season episode 14 Against the rain.

One Piece episode 1122 Disappearance.

Shangri-La Frontier Season 2 episode 26 Factory finding.

Tower of God Season 2 episode 15 Hostage.

TsumaSho episodes 3 Acceptance.

Uzumaki: Spiral Into Horror episode 3 New life.

31 Days of Halloween 2024! Day XIII: The Toxic Avenger Part III: The Last Temptation of Toxie, Citizen Toxie: The Toxic Avenger Part IV (Films)

Urusei Yatsura
episodes 91-94, 96
Ranma 1/2 (2024) (English) - Episode 2


Sonic x Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings
- Episode 1 - 3 (Complete)

I watched these as they released but forgot to post about them. These were some fantastic shorts working as a recap of Shadow's origins and as a prologue to the upcoming game.

The art, animation and fight choreography was fantastic, the series has never looked so good in animation and really makes me wish we'd get a full series or movie in this style.

I felt these could have been a bit longer though to let some scenes breathe as it was all over before you knew it.

These shorts and the upcoming game (as well as Frontiers) is really bringing the series back the 2000's which is my favourite era for Sonic and what I grew up, everything about this game is looking fantastic to me.
Dragon Ball Z [Re-watch] - Episodes 1 to 6

I love the start of Dragon Ball Z. Some anime can take a several episodes to get going, but the DB universe is immediately expanded within the first few minutes of the first episode - with the arrival of Raditz.

By the end of only the second episode, we have learned the true origins of Goku (or Kakarot/Kakarroto) and how he ended up on Earth. It really is quite a fast start.

Dragon Ball Z Movie 1: Dead Zone [Re-watch]

The highlight of this one for me was
Gohan becoming intoxicated and then proceeding to urinate in Kuririn's mouth 😂

And yes, I'm using spoiler tags for a 35 year old anime 😂

Up next:

Dragon Ball Z - Episodes 7 to 35
Heroine - Anna Yanami 1.gif

Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines (Japanese audio) - Episodes 5-8
Tower of God Season 2 (Japanese audio) - Episode 8
Uzumaki (English audio) - Episode 3
After-School Hanako-Kun Part 2 episode 6 Curse.

Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest Season 3 episode 25 Stronger.

Natsume’s Book of Friends Season 7 episode 78 Living in a box (mansion).

31 Days of Halloween 2024! Day XIV: The Ring (Film)

Urusei Yatsura
episode 97

Urusei Yatsura Movie 2: Beautiful Dreamer (Film) This was a very different and unique film which showcases Mamoru Oshii’s brilliance as both a storyteller and an artist. 4/5

Urusei Yatsura
episode 102, 108
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I started watching a few series in the Fall Season:

Nina the Starry Bride Eps 1-2
365 Days To The Wedding Eps 1-2
Good Bye, Dragon Life Eps 1-2
Rurouni Kenshin: Kyoto Disturbance Eps 1-2
Lightspeed Electroid Albegas - Episodes 22 - 25

Now past the halfway point and Albegas is getting into a repetitive groove now, it is quite funny in places and easy watching but some of those new ideas from the early episodes have faded and as a show it's not really exciting me anymore.

Ranma 1/2 (2024) - Episode 2

I'm enjoying Ranma but I think I'm having the same experience as some others with this in that, I am very familiar with the original which was very good, so this remake brings absolutely nothing new to me, although I will say I do really like the way it looks.

Joker - Marginal City
M.D. Geist (Original version)

Re-watches for the next episode of the podcast.
The Venture Bros Season 4 Episodes 1-16 COMPLETE - I really love this show and I'm def gonna watch the rest (Seasons 5-7 and the film), I like how Hank and Dean have actually noticeably matured as people since the early episodes as they grow to adulthood, that aspect is handled unusually well for the type of show this is :)

Still watching Season 1 of Is the Order a Rabbit? (English subbed) and now watching Cop Craft (English dubbed) :)
That Time I Got..... Scarlet Bond, the Movie: it was entertaining, but I didn't really feel it advanced the story much.

Bluey season 3 complete: Shed a tear or two at the beautiful little tales of the Heeler family. Made me feel a little homesick, too.

The Demon Girl Next Door episodes 1-6: Very silly but entertaining story. I can see a serious romance developing here. My disc kept stopping at the end of episode 3. Took it out and found some dirty fingerprints on my brand new MVM disc! Luckily, they cleaned off OK.
A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School! episode 2 Swamp thing.

Love Live! Superstar!! 3rd Season episode 2 Syncing up.

31 Days of Halloween 2024! Day XV: The Ring Two, Rings (Films)

Urusei Yatsura
episodes 109-110
Uzumaki ep3

Production issues notwithstanding, I don’t really know what to make of Uzumaki. Much as things seem to be getting steadily worse for everyone in the village, the general reaction seems to be for anyone not directly involved to ignore it and move on, as if everyone is too polite to say anything about the incomprehensible horrors going on in front of them. Presumably we’re not supposed to be taking it literally, but, on the surface at least, it has just about enough of a conventional plot to make me think I ought to be.
That Time I Got..... Scarlet Bond, the Movie: it was entertaining, but I didn't really feel it advanced the story much.

Bluey season 3 complete: Shed a tear or two at the beautiful little tales of the Heeler family. Made me feel a little homesick, too.

The Demon Girl Next Door episodes 1-6: Very silly but entertaining story. I can see a serious romance developing here. My disc kept stopping at the end of episode 3. Took it out and found some dirty fingerprints on my brand new MVM disc! Luckily, they cleaned off OK.
Did Scarlet Bond have some action?