Your anime viewing journal

Last night on Blu-ray, first five episodes of Sailor Moon.

And recently found out that Usagi is voiced by Stephanie Sheh who also voices Nua "Hey, that's the A-cup girl!!" in Dropout Idol Fruit Tart.

You could say it's Nusagi. :) :)
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Bleach 1-366 finished
Bleach thousand year war 1-26

Finished watching the entire bleach around 1 week ago, took around 3 months, what a ride it all was, but I would say the earlier stuff if better than thousand year war, the latter feels rushed to me for some reason, it's a long old show, but ive enjoyed it all, now just awaiting the last part!

Summertime rendering 1-5
I decided to start watching this on disney+, gotta say I'm hooked on this, it's a very weird one for sure, but very gripping
One Piece episodes 18-30: so, one standalone episode, and then 11 episodes (including a flashback) to obtain a cook for the ship. There are two more episodes to finish this particular arc, involving Nami and some fishmen (and their fishwives?). So many chefs were working on that small floating restaurant! And why does nobody actually sail their ships? Are they magic?
Delicious in Dungeon (dub) eps 4-6
More of the same. A bit of world building in there though.

Godzilla Minus One
I enjoyed this quite a lot. Some very good performances, although some were over wrought (I know that's a thing in Japanese acting) and the effects were very good for the budget they had! Maybe a little over long with the occasional drag.
This is my first Japanese Godzilla film, the other two being the 90s Hollywood effort and the 2014 one. Much better than the 90s one and until I typed this sentence I had completely forgotten I'd seen that other one! So I guess better than that one too, LOL, and recommended as it doesn't need any particular knowledge of the series.
Lightspeed Electroid Albegas - Episodes 1 - 10

I was expecting Albegas to be quite generic, which it is, but at the same time it has also brought a few new ideas to the Super Robot party which has been quite refreshing.

Grendizer U - Episodes 10 - 12

Mahou no Rouge Lipstick
OOPArts Oman

I re-watched these ahead of a review on the podcast.

I'll be honest, I found Patlabor TV overly dull and dry and dropped it partway through - FWIW I loved the first two movies (the Manga UK dubs are fab), I enjoyed the first OVA series, and I also really enjoyed some of the other vintage anime classic TV series from the 80s and thereabouts (Touch, SDF Macross, Future Boy Conan, The Rose of Versailles, Maison Ikkoku), and plenty of 90s series too, so I'm not averse to older TV anime. I like the vintage look, but with Patlabor I got quite bored (and I watched it subbed, so it wasn't to do with the lackluster English dub). I'm genuinely glad you enjoyed it though, we all have different tastes! :)

I've seen the Patlabor TV series twice and I really like it as I do the whole Patlabor franchise. I like the way the OVA and TV line culminates in the New Files with the benefit of all the world and character development that makes it such a good OVA series (the best Patlabor anime outside the first two movies imho).

I'm now watching Godannar (English dubbed)

I nearly started a re-watch of Godannar ahead of Albegas, I've had the blu-ray on the shelf for ages. It's very silly at times but a lot of fun.

Last night on Blu-ray, first five episodes of Sailor Moon.

I have the first Sailor Moon blu-ray set and it's is something I must get round to at some point, it's not something I'd normally watch but feel I need to see it given its place in anime history.
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One Piece episodes 18-30: so, one standalone episode, and then 11 episodes (including a flashback) to obtain a cook for the ship. There are two more episodes to finish this particular arc, involving Nami and some fishmen (and their fishwives?). So many chefs were working on that small floating restaurant! And why does nobody actually sail their ships? Are they magic?
I dare not venture into one piece, i thought bleach and naruto were long, but one piece is on another level
Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines ep1-2

Quite how much of an appetite I have for yet another high-school rom-com at this stage in the game remains to be seen, but this is certainly making all the right noises and good lord, is it ever well animated. It’s not as outlandish, but I feel A-1 are channeling classic Gainax productions like His and Her Circumstances and FLCL here. I just hope the visuals aren’t writing cheques the story can’t cash.