Bang Brave Bang Bravern - Episode 2
Whoever was writing the subtitles for this episode must have been in hysterics while they were doing it especially while Bravern was describing how he felt while Isami was 'entering' him to the military officials

. It was good fun but I agree with the ANN review of this episode that the comedy and the water boarding just didn't blend well.
Bang Brave Bang Bravern ep1: I was really bored for the first twenty minutes of this ugly-CG-mecha military
As much as I hate ugly CG (Megaton Musashi was another good example) in anime I think I have just accepted that's the way the industry works and don't get as wound up about it as I used to.
Bang Bravern ep1-2
I clapped like a seal when the music came on in the first episode, but the second is on another level entirely. Itās been quite a while since Iāve seen a show so utterly bananas. This could be something quite special and Iām very glad CR have picked it up, it looked for a moment there as if it might not get an official stream at all.
Yup, it's wonderfully bonkers alright, I'm intrigued to see how bonkers the show might get!!!
Voices of a Distant Star
A latecomer to this and picked up the BD in the AL Christmas sale. It borrows A LOT from Gunbuster (certain scenes are lifted almost cut by cut), but I did enjoy it, I think it told a very touching story and felt surprisingly complete given it's short runtime.
Patema Inverted
I've been wanting to re-watch this for a while and I haven't seen it since my kickstarter disc arrived nearly a decade ago. Patema Inverted was a film I really enjoyed and I happy to find that it holds up incredibly well and I think it is a fantastic sci-fi drama film.
Ninja Robot Tobikage - Episodes 28 - 33
Golden Warrior Gold Lightan - Episodes 34 & 35
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 1 (REWATCH)
I'm itching to re-watch Buffy, I saw it all on TV when it aired and then got the DVD boxset for my birthday in 2009 and watched it all again (took me nearly 4 years!!!), I've been holding out for a Blu-ray release to watch it again but there isn't much sign of one unfortunately so might have to pull the DVDs out.