The Little Prince (1979, Will Vinton) COMPLETE - A lovely short film of about half an hour adapting the classic children's book, by the director of The Adventures of Mark Twain (1985) was a solid watch and I enjoyed it (I'd also recommend his short film based on Rip Van Winkle)
The Adventures of Buratino/Pinocchio (1959, Russian with English subtitles) - COMPLETE - Overall, on a par with Disney's 1940 version and truer to the book in that Buratino is naughtier initially than Disney's relatively innocent Pinocchio who is dragged through various potentially corrupting scenarios. I also enjoyed the animation which is a pleasing hybrid of Disney with the more freewheeling style of Warner Brothers Looney Tunes and the like
Fire and Ice (1983, Ralph Bakshi) - Animation is phenomenal, with effective use of rotoscoping and beautiful atmospheric background art. I enjoyed the half-naked sexy people, decent story and great voice acting as well, honestly it's better than many other Western English language 80s attempts at a quality sci-fi/fantasy animated film. I'd rank it above The Black Cauldron, Rock & Rule and Heavy Metal (also probably above Starchaser The Legend of Orin though I haven't seen all of that tbf lol), and I'd put it on a par with Gandahar (as in the original French version, can't comment on the Light Years English version). This is reminding me to see The Last Unicorn again now that's on Blu-ray
Yu Yu Hakusho (English dubbed) Episodes 48-112 COMPLETE - This is regarded as a classic for good reason, I don't know if I'd watch it again given it's quite long but it was definitely worth seeing from start to finish once and I'd rank it as one of the absolute best shonen action anime, up there with the likes of both Fullmetal Alchemist anime and Soul Eater (opinion on Hunter X Hunter 2011 still pending as I haven't finished it yet XP)