Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan episode 6 Forced fun.
The best kind of fun! (I am sincerely joking don't force me to have a good time or I'll poke you)
Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan episode 6 Forced fun.
I'm not watching the series so I don't know the full context but this could be an example of an causal loop or bootstrap paradox. This often happens in sci-fi where an event only happens in the past due to influence of a time traveller aware of these events. Due to these actions the event has no definite origin due to the event and traveller both influencing each other. Time travel stories sure can get messy with their rules.Remake Our Lives ep 6
Financial trouble.
The thing about this show is our MC goes back in time and decides to go to a different university. Whilst there he runs into 3 people who are famous in his old timeline and he helps them out discover what they want to do, etc, but we already know that they were fine without him so the plot makes no sense! The characters are fun though which keeps me watching.
Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor episodes 18-26 (Complete. I recall watching the OVA series a while back and this series adapts closer to the source material and had some solid action though wasn’t that engaging at times.) 3/5