Yuss, you're spot-on, Prof. For what it's worth, Google Translate gives tai 隊 as "corps".
(Your post's from 5 December; can you tell I've fallen behind with reading this thread?)
Interesting. The only reason I remember Shoujo Tai particularly is that they did the original opening (and possibly also the ending?) theme for the first Dominion OVA. It could just be an absolute coincidence, but with their cropped hairdos, two of the members look like they might have been the original design reference for Leona.
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence (sub)
I know Batou is a changed man after the events of the first film, but when did he ever spout the philosophical quotes he did here, just seemed a bit out of character.
Batou definitely feels more like a self-insert for Oshii himself in the second film, although I suppose it's possible that his more introspective Stand Alone Complex incarnation might also have influenced the way he's been written for Innocence.