Plunderer ep 2 (dropped)
Finds out this is 24 eps, nope I just can't do it! Everything is generic at best. Yet another poor fanservice/sexual assault scene, I'm guessing the writer put our female MCs "count" in such a place just so they write the same scene again and again!
Hatena☆Illusion ep 2
School starts.
NekoparA ep 2
A new addition to the Clowder.
Somali and the Forest Spirit eps 1 (re-watch) & 2
It wasn't quite time for the next episode, so I thought I'd watch the first one again. The second one was just as sweet.
Bodoukan ep 2
Fashion shows and fan letters.
Toilet-bound Hanako-san ep 2
Finds out this is 24 eps, nope I just can't do it! Everything is generic at best. Yet another poor fanservice/sexual assault scene, I'm guessing the writer put our female MCs "count" in such a place just so they write the same scene again and again!
Hatena☆Illusion ep 2
School starts.
NekoparA ep 2
A new addition to the Clowder.
Somali and the Forest Spirit eps 1 (re-watch) & 2
It wasn't quite time for the next episode, so I thought I'd watch the first one again. The second one was just as sweet.
Bodoukan ep 2
Fashion shows and fan letters.
Toilet-bound Hanako-san ep 2