Your anime viewing journal

Hinamatsuri (Dub) Episode 1

Kakuriyo: Bed and Breakfast for Spirits (Dub) Episode 2

Akkun to Kanojo (Sub) Episode 4

Doreiku The Animation (Sub) Episode 3

Hinamatsuri (Sub) Episode 4

Isekai Izakaya: Japanese Food from Another World (Sub) Episode 3 - 4
Hinamatsuri ep4

I still can't decide whether or not the segments with Hitomi are cocking a snook at the series Bartender.

Aura Battler Dunbine ep1

Hmm. I really only know Tomino's Byston Well saga through its dubious reputation, and this opener did little to persuade me otherwise. The premise is perfectly fine, the fantasy element adds some interesting flavour and I find the character art (to compare it to its contemporaries) more appealling than the likes of Votoms or Urashiman, but the storytelling seems ridiculously ham fisted. The characters' behaviour is frequently motiveless and nonsensical, while their dialogue sounds like nothing a human being has ever said - it's not on the level of Garzey's Wing, but it's not far off. I'll likely give it another couple of episodes out of sheer curiosity, but I'd rather HIDIVE had given us Xabungle, to be honest.

Born Under Crossed Stars (Film) Another lacklustre film with Suzuki's directing keeping it from being a total waste. The acting isn't bad but the story is very frenzied and unfocused, and when it does settle down it's a love triangle about horny teens, a meh one at that. 2/5 Watching through this box set has been interesting, even if not every film was great it still gave an interesting insight into Seijun Suzuki's earlier works.

Have you seen Tokyo Drifter, as a matter of curiosity?
High School DxD Hero episode 2

Megalo Box episode 3

Comic Girls episode 3

Magical Girl Site episodes 3-4

Wotakoi episode 2

The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. Season 2 episode 10
Hinamatsuri ep4

I still can't decide whether or not the segments with Hitomi are cocking a snook at the series Bartender.

Aura Battler Dunbine ep1

Hmm. I really only know Tomino's Byston Well saga through its dubious reputation, and this opener did little to persuade me otherwise. The premise is perfectly fine, the fantasy element adds some interesting flavour and I find the character art (to compare it to its contemporaries) more appealling than the likes of Votoms or Urashiman, but the storytelling seems ridiculously ham fisted. The characters' behaviour is frequently motiveless and nonsensical, while their dialogue sounds like nothing a human being has ever said - it's not on the level of Garzey's Wing, but it's not far off. I'll likely give it another couple of episodes out of sheer curiosity, but I'd rather HIDIVE had given us Xabungle, to be honest.

Have you seen Tokyo Drifter, as a matter of curiosity?
I have not, need to at some point, along with quite a few of his films
Steins gate 0 3 - nice to see the microwave has gone from a machine that manipulates time to a machine that manipulates chicken tenders. makes me want some chicken tenders
magical girl site 4 - I was truly happy. until I seen this episode. kaname is my spirit animal in this one
wotakoi 3 - that's the kind of relationship you get when you date your boss
MHA s3 4 - send in the clowns, in this case the villains. the highlight quirk in this one looks better than it sounds
Amanchu! Advance episode 4 Upyo! Quite the dreams to have, what do they put in the coffee?

Hozuki's Coolheadedness 2nd Season 2nd Cour episode 17 More people need to watch this, each episode manages to be both creative and comedic.

My Hero Academia 3rd Season episode 42 That is one large and impractical weapon. This guy think he's Cloud Strife or something? Also that dude with the spike outfit is definitely a Cenobite.

Persona 5 The animation episode 4 Man they sure put a lot into this episode, and this is only the first boss. Quite enjoying this so far, though I haven't played the game so that might impact others' opinions of this adaptation

NieA_7 episodes 1-13 (Complete. What happens when the people behind Serial Experiments Lain and Texhnolyze make a comedy? Well an interesting curio with a flawed execution. The comedy is hit and miss, and stands out like a sore thumb at times against the backdrop of Niea and Mayuko, both of which had their own issues to deal with. Oh and Niea could get really grating at times.

There were some interesting ideas with the way the alien society operated, and a quiet charm that was refreshing to watch but the tone just felt a bit unbalanced. Overall this was a decent series, but I just wish it had stronger aspects here and there as it could have been something special if the comedy and serious moments melded better.) 3/5

Non Non Biyori episodes 1-4
Comic Girls ep 4
Quite a funny episode. Why did Ruki's editor pick that pen name if her appeal is mainly to women?

Megalo Box ep 4
Interesting tactic. As good as this show is the one thing that has me puzzled is if boxing is as dangerous as it already is, why make even more so with the mechanical gear?

Tokyo Ghoul: re ep 4
A bunch of new characters show up without much introduction, it took 4 shows before getting a bit too complicated for a none reader of the manga, but I can still sit back and enjoy the fights.

LotGH: Die Neue These ep 4
Flashback for Yang. I see a pattern emerging here. Surely they can't keep doing one side for one episode and then the other the next. I guess it's fine for the introductions, but when it gets down to the story I think we need to see both sides reactions to what is happening.
It seems the pattern will change next week though with it sticking with the Free Planets side instead of switching again.

SAOA: GGO ep 4
Back to where we left off at the end of the first episode.
I thought we were going to have a interesting cliffhanger then, but the after credit scene (I think it was another scene rather than a preview clip) spoilt it a bit, but there's still a bit of a mystery to unravel.

Persona 5 the Animation ep 4
First Palace done, I thought it was done quite well. I don't know if it's me or not, but the art has improved a little. The final version of the OP has finally been revealed and it's quite good.
There's still 6 palaces and the final dungeonto go so the arcs will have to be shorter to fit it all in.
The preview seems to be a bit of a spoiler for later in the story, very odd.
Darling in the FranXX (Dub) Episode 13

Doreiku The Animation (Dub) Episode 1

Amanchu! ~Advance~ (Sub) Episode 4

Beatless (Sub) Episode 15

Darling in the FranXX (Sub) Playback Special

Lostorage Conflated WIXOSS (Sub) Episode 4

Magical Girl Site (Sub) Episode 4

Record of Grancrest War (Sub) Episode 16

Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online (Sub) Episode 4
well you have what like 2 two cour seasons, 2 1 cour seasons (practically 1 season story wise), tons of films and ovas.

You have alot more Slayers to be watching.

Yeah I've got all of The Slayers anime, TV, movies and OVAs. Got it all together at the start of the year so I can dip in and out over the next couple of years.
Kokoro Connect: Michi Random eps 1-4 (or 14-17 as it completes the story of the series)
Finally got around to seeing these now I've signed up for HiDive. Heartseed is back and this time they can randomly hear each others thoughts, although it always seems to be at the most (in)opportune times, which obviously is to serve the plot, but it would have made it seem actually random (plus provide an opportunity for comedy) if it happened in some more mundane moments as well.
I really did like the series overall as the various phenomenon made for interesting ways at getting at the characters emotions. 8/10
Cardcaptor Sakura Clear Card (Sub) Episode 16

Caligula (Sub) Episode 4

Cutie Honey Universe (Sub) Episode 4

Dragon Pilot: Hisone and Masotan (Sub) Episode 3

Full Metal Panic! Invisible Victory (Sub) Episode 3

Gegege no Kitarou 2018 (Sub) Episode 5

Katana Maidens (Sub) Episode 16

The Seven Deadly Sins Revival of the Commandments (Sub) Episode 15

Uma Musume: Pretty Derby (Sub) Episode 6
Food Wars! The Third Plate 2nd Cour episode 16 Nice to see Kuga make a reappearance, and yet another Shokugeki begins!

Uma Musume: Pretty Derby! episode 6 Not sure what was more tense, the race at the end or the eating contest-I'll go with the latter.

Non Non Biyori episodes 5-12/Non Non Biyori Repeat episodes 1-12 (Complete. I'm a sucker for relaxing SoL and this proved to be a very fun anime. Set in the country with girls from different grades (and the Silent brother) in one class, their shenanigans and scenarios were comfy and humorous. Season 2 managed to give more screen time to secondary characters, especially Kaede, which was a nice touch. I did find it weaker than the first in places but it was still a lot of fun. Both are definitely worth a watch.) 4/5, 4/5

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (Sporadic rewatch) episodes 1-9
Made in Abyss episodes 10-13 ~ Episodes 10 and 13 are two of the most heartbreaking episodes I've seen in a while. This series was a masterpiece from the characters to the music, art direction and world building. While I wait for season 2 I'll probably pick up the manga for this one.

Comic Girls episode 4

Hinamatsuri episode 4

Gun Gale Online episode 3

Megalo Box episode 4

Uma Musume episode 6

The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. Season 2 episode 11
Caligula ep 4
This episode has a bit more explanation of what's going on and brings most of the team together.

Uma Masume: Pretty Derby ep 6
We get the news about Silence Suzuka that was being hinted at in previous episodes.

Kakuriyo - Bed and Breakfast for Spirits - ep 5
Aoi discovers the backstory of the a couple of characters and helps them out.

Crossing Time ep 4
A funny episode about a sister and brother texting each other instead of talking whilst waiting at a crossing.

Golden Kamuy ep 4
Seemed a bit of a slower paced episode, especially the first half. I guess Sugimoto interpreted Asirpas grandmother words the wrong way and left to keep her safe.

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