Your anime viewing journal


Was ok, boring in parts, although had some good moments. The main problem I had was the dub, its terrible and ruined its a little, especially the voice of Kimbal. I wouldn't mind but I can handle bad dubs, sometimes thats the charm of it for instance Vampire Wars (that cracked me up).

It also took about 35mins to get going and the 35mins weren't very interesting at all and it didn't exactly get brilliant after that but had some interesting action/adventure moments.

Overall a bit dissapointing :(
When They Cry 16-22

The 6 or 7 episode Mion/Shion answer arc was very entertaining to watch. It did seem to go on a little, especially after the 4 episode question arc that took place earlier on in the series, but I could overlook that when it the arc dealt with my favourite When They Cry characters; the smexy green-haired twins.
When They Cry 23-24

Not having much interest in Rena and with the parallel stuff getting old, I couldn't be bothered to watch the last 2 episodes today. I'll probably watch the last 2 episodes of season 1 tomorrow.

It does seem like some vital plot details are going to be revealed in this arc...something to do with the curse actually being a disease of some sort (I'm assuming the drug used to make people cut their throat with their nails is a high dose of this), side effects in the form parasites forming from blood occurring if the inhabitants of Hinamizawa leave.
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saikano - she, the ultimate weapon TV series and OVA
next will be ghibli stuff - speaking to stalking mononoke on the forum made me want to view it again ...
Before anyone Laughs, I didn't know that this was auwful until after I bought it, as I couldn't find a review. Only after buying did I find something on a forum about this being the worst anime ever.

But since I bought it I thought I have to watch it.

Makyu Senjo (enough said)

Well there was a tiny bit that had me watching, where Joe fights these two guys and he rips them to shreds, other than that nothing good to say.

Well it wasn't as bad as Armageddon :D
Code Geass episodes 3, 4 and 5. Will be watching more shortly. I watched this regarding the hype, and I have to admit, I do enjoy it, however, that doesn't stop it from me seeing through it, another anime which tries to act smart but it really isn't. Suzaku pisses me off, boring plain as vanilla character. Lelouch I actually like, he's like Light Yagami but isn't a faggot, Karren is probably the best character in the entire series, but her father is Domon Kasshu and her mother Noriko Takaya. All in all, it's good so far, nothing amazing, but I am pleased with what I'm being fed thus far.
Lupus Inu said:
Code Geass episodes 3, 4 and 5. Will be watching more shortly. I watched this regarding the hype, and I have to admit, I do enjoy it, however, that doesn't stop it from me seeing through it, another anime which tries to act smart but it really isn't. Suzaku pisses me off, boring plain as vanilla character. Lelouch I actually like, he's like Light Yagami but isn't a faggot, Karren is probably the best character in the entire series, but her father is Domon Kasshu and her mother Noriko Takaya. All in all, it's good so far, nothing amazing, but I am pleased with what I'm being fed thus far.

Just so you know, the 2nd season starts airing on the 5th or 6th of April. I need to start re-watching it before the 2nd season starts.

Every Code Geass fan hates Suzaku and wants him to die painfully. Your dislike will only grow later on.

Kallen is indeed a very bouncy...err, interesting character. Let me know if you need Kallen pron.

CitizenGeek will come after you for saying the 'F' word. Be afraid.
I'm sorry, Aion. I'm not as shallow as you, I don't fap to animated characters.

But with that said, Code Geass 6, 7 and 8 I have watched, series is getting better, with each episode I watch I want to watch one more. Jesus Christ, I love it when a series gets like this... but for it to be Code Geass... WHAT. Also, stop advertising Pizza Hut.