Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma (Japanese Dub) - Episode 14
Classroom Crisis (Japanese Dub) - Episode 01
Classroom Crisis (Japanese Dub) - Episode 01
IncendiaryLemon said:Gundam Seed-Episode 3
Okay. Now it's clicked for me. I've really started warming up to this now. This was the episodes where all the pieces fit together and I think I have the gist of what is happening and why. After watching this episode a sudden realisation occurred to me. This is remarkably similar to Aldnoah Zero or should I say Aldnoah Zero is similar to this. 2 races, both of whom look like humans, at war with each other as one race is genetically superior. One is attacking from Space whilst one is defending the Earth. The 2 main characters are on different sides of the conflict. One of the main characters is from the enemy race but fights for their side. There are mechs. I mean I already like Seed better as Kira has already shown more personality in the three episodes I've seen than Inaho showed in the entirety of Aldnoah Zero and there isn't an abundance of CG but the similarities are striking. If anything it's lowered my opinion of AZ even more.
You can stream it on the official GundamInfo YouTube channel. And AZ was fun, sure it wasn't amazing, but it doesn't completely deserve all the hate it got.Type45 said:If you don't mind me asking where did you pick up gundam seed from?.ive really wanted to check it out but I can't seem to find a copy.(Also I don't know why but I always feel so guilty for liking AZ)
You can stream it on the official GundamInfo YouTube channel. And AZ was fun, sure it wasn't amazing, but it doesn't completely deserve all the hate it got.Type45 said:If you don't mind me asking where did you pick up gundam seed from?.ive really wanted to check it out but I can't seem to find a copy.(Also I don't know why but I always feel so guilty for liking AZ)
Type45 said:If you don't mind me asking where did you pick up gundam seed from?.ive really wanted to check it out but I can't seem to find a copy.(Also I don't know why but I always feel so guilty for liking AZ)
IncendiaryLemon said:Type45 said:If you don't mind me asking where did you pick up gundam seed from?.ive really wanted to check it out but I can't seem to find a copy.(Also I don't know why but I always feel so guilty for liking AZ)
VoxPhantom said:Working!! s3 - ep 1.
Straight back into the swing of things after nearly four years. All is right with the world once again.