Stardust Snake
Completely Average High School Student
Well, clearly you don't because of the lack of context!..uh.
Hi. so um, yeah, delightfully this a into thread about myself. Uh. Truth be told I'm not actuallly.. a great anime fan, actually, it's safe to say that I'm probably not even a fan, even in the loosiest and broadest form.
.. So what am I doing here?
Perhaps it a bit overstatement to say I'm not a fan, I do like the 'pouplour ones' such as Dragon Ball and managed to create a sinficant chunk of that during the years. But the real reason I'm here is that my wonderful and always lovely girlfriend (MONONOKE since you didn't ask) is a massive fan of anime and manga and stuff and so happens to be part of this community.
So I'd like to get more into into the whole general anime/manga scene, and why not, its just another medium to launch creative and intresting stories. Also it's something I can share together with her, which for me, is the main goal. We're going to start watching some things together -- although not horror, while she loves that I'm so squismed, the cliche roles will be reversed when I ask her if the scary parst are over. Dear oh dear!
So um, yeah, besides being scared and stuff, I'm into a lot of things, from a wide range of video games, to politics, to films, and hold very strong views about things that probably completely overbearing. Yay. Me and the lady of my life share a lot of intrests, to video games series, to even Yu Gi Oh Card games, which is always fun.
Currently, I have finished my law courses (kicking all sorts of ass if I do say myself. Oh, so much ass, you wouldn't believe the ass I kic- I'll stop) and unemployed, which does give you a licence to call me a benefit scorunging dole scumbag. If you wish.
My name is a creative splice of Stardust Dragon, my fave card, and Solid Snake, one of my fave characters. Took me ages to think of that, I tell you.
So um! I hope I enjoy it. And don't embrass my lovely at the same time.
I think that's it.
Oh, I once saw a blimp.
Hi. so um, yeah, delightfully this a into thread about myself. Uh. Truth be told I'm not actuallly.. a great anime fan, actually, it's safe to say that I'm probably not even a fan, even in the loosiest and broadest form.
.. So what am I doing here?
Perhaps it a bit overstatement to say I'm not a fan, I do like the 'pouplour ones' such as Dragon Ball and managed to create a sinficant chunk of that during the years. But the real reason I'm here is that my wonderful and always lovely girlfriend (MONONOKE since you didn't ask) is a massive fan of anime and manga and stuff and so happens to be part of this community.
So I'd like to get more into into the whole general anime/manga scene, and why not, its just another medium to launch creative and intresting stories. Also it's something I can share together with her, which for me, is the main goal. We're going to start watching some things together -- although not horror, while she loves that I'm so squismed, the cliche roles will be reversed when I ask her if the scary parst are over. Dear oh dear!
So um, yeah, besides being scared and stuff, I'm into a lot of things, from a wide range of video games, to politics, to films, and hold very strong views about things that probably completely overbearing. Yay. Me and the lady of my life share a lot of intrests, to video games series, to even Yu Gi Oh Card games, which is always fun.
Currently, I have finished my law courses (kicking all sorts of ass if I do say myself. Oh, so much ass, you wouldn't believe the ass I kic- I'll stop) and unemployed, which does give you a licence to call me a benefit scorunging dole scumbag. If you wish.
My name is a creative splice of Stardust Dragon, my fave card, and Solid Snake, one of my fave characters. Took me ages to think of that, I tell you.
So um! I hope I enjoy it. And don't embrass my lovely at the same time.
I think that's it.
Oh, I once saw a blimp.