
Jessica Leonhardt, also known as Jessi Slaughter and formerly as KerliGirl13 on YouTube, is an 11 year old girl and fan of the band Blood on the Dance Floor whose attention-seeking online behaviors caused her to become the target of a 4chan raid, resulting in a rage-fueled and ill-advised retort from her father that became the subject of masses of image macros and videos.

Not sure if anyone has been interested in the meme wagon as of late, but this is pretty funny stuff.


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After this rather hatful video, "Jessi Slaughter" got a major attack from 4chan, and these were the consequences...

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and her dad tried to tame the trolls round 2...

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More info here
I mean it's sad that people go to such lengths to bully an 11 year old girl. I'm not defending her because she is pretty stupid and had bad parents, but that hardly warrants such treatment. I'm sure the guys bullying her feel like big strong men now. /b/tards are such sheep/band-waggoning sadists.
This got to Good Morning America already, didn't it? As funny as hearing a distressed father saying 'The consequences will never be the same!' is, the whole thing is pretty ******* stupid because at 11 Years old, she's actually got an excuse for being the vapid prick that everyone else on Youtube is.
I remember the aftermath of this quite clearly.
As a means of stocking the burning coals, the Good Morning America theme tune was playing as an embedded sound file on /b/. Instructions were even given to American television viewers visiting out of curiosity. These instructions included refraining from disseminating pornographic material.
kupocake said:
This got to Good Morning America already, didn't it? As funny as hearing a distressed father saying 'The consequences will never be the same!' is, the whole thing is pretty **** stupid because at 11 Years old, she's actually got an excuse for being the vapid prick that everyone else on Youtube is.

The thing that gets me is i run a youth group and i know that the kids there would rather talk about their cat and what they had for brekfast the day before. This 11 year old is clearly too mature for her age, and it maybe partly due to the parents influence of "do what you want" attitude, or maybe she has friends that like the same crap as her i honestly dont know,
At the end of the day i think she brought it on herself, its just a shame 4chan got a hold of her really, it would have just become a viral video of some kind if she didnt retaliate... oh well.
LOL you'll always find a deluded self centred cow in america, and by the looks of it, there will always be 4chan making lives hell.

I don't mind sitting back with popcorn and watching the sparks fly.
It seems to me this is a case of normal, albeit awful schoolyard behaviour (from everyone concerned) amplified beyond it's normal boundaries by the internet. Though it does strike me as particularly pathetic that playing the parts of bitchy pre-teen girls are "adult" men sat in front of their computers where they are perfectly safe from reprisal... from a pre-teen girl.

When I think of all the people in the world whose lives do deserve to be made hell, attention seeking kids aren't on the list. I'm sure all this free time and malicious intent can be put to better use... I mean if they had any balls they could be the new Red Army Faction. Got nothing better to do 4channers? Go garotte Tony Blair instead.
I remember this day as well. I occasionally view /b/ but I mostly stick to /tv/ so that entire day I spent on the latter, with quick looks at the former without realising what was actually going on. It was later that night I actually found the videos and had some lulz. It also made me come across the site StickyDrama, which happens to be one of the most lulzy sites on the interwebs.

She also ****** some 24-year old pedobear from Blood on the Dancefloor or something. I fully believe this to be the case, no matter what else they say.

Also, where's muh video remixes?!
Well, I dont condone cyber-bullying (or any kind of bullying), but Jessi S and the family really didn't really help themselves...

I dont have much respect for Jessi:
Because she's 11 y.o and has a lot (freakingly enough) of swears/disgusting taunts... She's young, I get it that she can be naive, but what does age have anything to do with how you use the english language?
Also, she make a vid for 4:30mins saying the same thing over... and over... and overr... and... Just press the stop button, please.

The rest were out of her own control, and kinda looked like "Daddy's little princess" was becoming a noisy tap, with the father speaking for her. If you're gonna do it, do it with your own words and by yourself.

If I was in her situation and my blogs/vids were being raped by rumours and taunts, I'd just carry on regardless. Making a vid like this just fuels the trolling flames. Make it boring and then carry on. If I did anything, I'd just make one post to deny any false accusations and be done.
Not whine like a damn gerbil on crack.

I dont have much respect for the parents:
Because they obviosly spoilt her so much. They were to leniant with dicipline to allow a kid like Jessi to be so messed up. But how mature the father to randomly walk into a webcam and shout down it in the middle of his daughter's taping? A concerned dad - yes. A smart one - no. How many 4chan groupies got a kick from seeing that?

Then theres the mother being tricked on a prank call... Not exactly holding any water for the family's rep.

I dont have much respect for the cyber-punks:
However, they sure did some good work on these idiots. Kudos?
But even if it was easy to do so, I just cant understand why. They did go a number of steps too far for a prank, this is out-right torture. If she wants to make a vid, let her. If she's really having a relationship with someone, then either let them be or let the inspectors find out the truth (and then sort her out.)

In summary:
This is just pathetic... But damn, their reactions were so damn hularious!
Especially that "I backtraced it" vid... awesome.
hmmm the rap one suddenly made me realise

the dad is Bill Cosby

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Kirrimir said:
very, very late. This got old like 3 weeks ago

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Jayme said:
Ryo-Chan has just learned how the embedding function works.

Also, that is easily the best musical score ever. Love BTTF.

Jayme has just paid attention to the forum for the first time in 2 years ;)