

Stand User
i no, i no if anime and manga wasn't bad enough i'm an x-men comic book fan(i'm a geek, well geek chic)... so does any1 here read x-men?
i don't really buy any new issues, i'm tryin to get a good collection of back issues before i start that but i do buy some tpb now and then... the last one was phoenix end song, it was amazing by far the best!!!

jean grey is my fav character... well next to madelyne pryor
I'm not a huge Xmen fan, but I've been known to dabble from time to time. ;) Funnily enough my brother bought me the first Astonishing X-Men trade paper back for Christmas and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it. Penned by none other than Josh Whedon -- he of Buffy, Angel and Firefly/Serenity fame -- the writing, is as you'd expect, top notch and some of the dialogue between the 'team' is laugh out loud funny. If you're a Whedon/Xmen fan don't miss it.
I read a few issues of it, but i prefered to watch the old cartoon with Gambit in it... =P
I've never read any of the comics but i love the movies and I use to always watch the old cartoon and recently I saw dvds of the new cartoon on sale in HMV so I bought them but I prefer the old cartoon but the new one is quite funny and I loved the opening!
Used to buy several of the titles, but kinda gave up when
a) Jena Grey/ Magneto died for the nth time, and came back.
b) they decided to cancel all my favourite spin offs and recycle some of the characters, but give them totally new personalities so they weren't the same characters l liked.
c) the fact the writers seem to have to completely rewrite almost the entire universe every year.
Still read the odd one now and then, but only really but TPB's now as they are more or less self contained
Had a chuckle at this thread because though this is a Movie / TV section it doesn't mention the films and / or TV series at all.

I'll change that now though by saying that I thought, personally, that the film of X-Men III: The Last Stand was my favourite instalment of the movie trilogy (the first being the weakest as far as I'm concered).

C'mon! Let the debate rage like Wolverine's love.
I used to be a MASSIVE fan. But, the crossovers started to get me pissed-off- I don't want to read crap like the Fantastic 4 for christs sake!
My favourite era was the 1990's X-MEN series drawn by Jim Lee. Absolute perfection!!! After he left if went down hill though. Now it's far too shiny and some of the characters look sh** or have crap powers.
I read up until Wolvie got the adamantium ripped out by Magneto and then found out his claws were natural, Sabretooth was in the mansion and the story was starting to get a bit boring.

The new stuff is PANTS! The TV shows are a bag of arse too.

I'd recomend "The Dark Phoenix Saga" or the "Weapon X" by Barry Windsor Smith to anyone! Classics!
Used to read them, had quite a few but they got badly damaged when I moved so they all went bye-bye and I can't manage to replace them
Ryo Chan said:
i dunno i prefer x-men evolution to the original series most of the time
GRAH! X-men Evolution is horrible compared to the original awesome animated series, one problem for me is... what was the last episode of the original series?
I remember watching one of the animated series back in the nineties when it was on Sky One on the DJ Cat show. Anyone remember that period?
I absolutely loved x-men,and it still holds a special place in my heart hah Though i actually enjoyed the Alpha Flight magazines a lot too,and the Quicksilver ones.The old series is great also,and the evolution one is ok.It was just nice to see it taken in a different direction.I have a ridiculous amount of uncanny x-men comics taken up space in my room :?
skikes said:
i no, i no if anime and manga wasn't bad enough i'm an x-men comic book fan(i'm a geek, well geek chic)... so does any1 here read x-men?

Used to - from the first issue up until about 2002 (yay for wasting time at uni...). However, preferred New Mutants, particularly the whole Illyana story arc carrying over from X-Men #160, along with the tongue-in-cheek humour of Excalibur and X-Factor (specifically the Larry Stroman period, from X-Factor #70something until Madrox disappeared).

Meant I was sufficiently geeky to get irritated at the casting for the films - everybody was miscast except for Patrick Stewart and Kelsey Grammer (Hugh Jackman was almost ok, except that he was way too tall - Wolverine is meant to be 5 foot 3!).
I am a die hard fan of marvel comics and I have seen all the parts of X-MEN.The movie deals with mutants which is a treat to watch.And to see the people having powers is great.

And to say of the characters in the movie I like Wolverine and Storm...
