>>Xel<< said:
LukasROAR said:
>>Xel<< said:
LukasROAR said:
>>Xel<< said:
DC created the Dark Knight, Batman who is by far the best out of the DC crew imo.
I've never been able to say who I really prefer out of the two, Marvel and DC.
I've been wanting to read Batman ever since i watched Batman Begins (imo best comic book movie out there) but didn't know where to start as the backstory is huuuuuge lol.
Used to watch the 90's cartoon and proper loved Batman of the Future
Batman of the Future? Is that Batman Beyond with Terry Mcginnis? If so, that series was pretty awesome.
Anyone remember the CNX channel on sky, damn I miss that XD
As for where to start with reading Batman comics I'd recommend Batman Chronicles vol 1.
Yes it was, i thought it was only know as Batman Beyond in the states.
Anyway i proper loved it
Batman chronicles the one written by Frank Miller?
Just ordered The Darkness, best live up to it's reputation lol
You shouldn't be disappointed, Top Cow Productions deliver, imo. Have you played the game?
Looking forward to reading it

Any other Top Cow titles i should check out that you could recommend?
I've only played the demo i d/l off of Xbox Live, liked what i played but didn't find the gameplay groundbreaking, but then again the demo is only like 20 mins if that so i can't really judge. Loved the story though.