Write an unromantic haiku


Dragon Knight
Here are the rules:
  • Syllable structure must be 5-7-5
  • Must include a seasonal theme (otherwise it would be a senryu, not haiku)
  • Must start romantic, but end unromantic


Changing face of March
Chill of winter slips away
Now file tax return

Sweet summer maiden
Your ripe melons on the beach
My bat will smash them
A summer stream flows
Its crystal waters glisten
I will p*ss in it
(No that is so gross
Please do not defile this fine
Body of water)
I've now got an image in my head of a haiku battle. Not a rap battle, but a haiku battle. 😆

Anyway, this one's dedicated to my girlfriend and her move here so that we can be together:

Seasonal walks through
The park hand in hand dodging
Dog sh*t on the ground

Love you loads~!)
I really love you
but sometimes I think about
how you NEVER ******* flush


Unanimous love
Over various pizzas
except pineapple 💀


Your beautiful eyes
full of so many feelings
World Domination.

A summer stream flows
Its crystal waters glisten
I will p*ss in it

can I get this engraved please Neil, beautiful honestly beautiful
I really love you
but sometimes I think about
how you NEVER ******* flush


Unanimous love
Over various pizzas
except pineapple 💀


Your beautiful eyes
full of so many feelings
World Domination.

can I get this engraved please Neil, beautiful honestly beautiful
Those are senryu
Since there's no seasonal theme
Just like this one (lol)
can I get this engraved please Neil, beautiful honestly beautiful
Bless! You're too kind, Donut. 😂👍
It's public domain now, so have at it if you want!

This one of yours, though. 👇😂
Your beautiful eyes
full of so many feelings
World Domination.
Genius. I think it was the bold type that caught me out as well. 🤣

(There's no haiku here. I'm all out at the moment. 🤷‍♂️