worst/best films to come from a game

guess it kinda of comes from the marvel comics, but the spidey films and games are pretty good, at least I think they are :)
I anit seen it yet, but DoA I heard is terrible and only worth watching for the women. Resi films were ok, but not the best. Doom was terrible, don't see any "action" 40 minutes into the film, fair enough its building suppense and stuff, but 40 minutes... turned it off and went bed.
Xelis said:
Espy said:
Ryo Chan said:
Outlawstar said:
Street fighter was just terrible

doom was worse

What kind of complex plot were you expecting from a Doom movie :roll:

Meh, in my opinion, no video-game based movie has been amazing. Yes, that includes Advent Children, stupid fanboys...
Advent Children was just a 'look at what we can do with CGI' movie.

DIE!!!!!!!!!!!! AC was actually the best film based on the game, and higly deserve some credit, if it wasn't for the very confusing plot that can only be understand by FF7 fans.

The worst in game Movie, DOA and Doom... Utter trash
Doom was one of the worst movies to come out from a game :shock:

I also hated the fact that DOA games where let down by the movie
Street Fighter
Tomb Raider
Super Mario Bros
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children

I know there's going to be a Hitman film and I think there's a possibilty of a Metroid film. Metroid will most likely blow but Hitman could turn out to be badass. I've not decided about Halo. A Splinter Cell film would be pretty badass if it ever got made.
best ones i have seen from game to movie, is resident evil. I thought they where pretty decent and i wonder what the third and the possible fourth will be like. worst mario live action and street fighter liive action.
As for future ones i don't really fancy the idea of the metroid one, will try the halo one and there was the mention of the onimusha one which i would think maybe worth seeing, if made that is
Chrono Demon said:
DIE!!!!!!!!!!!! AC was actually the best film based on the game, and higly deserve some credit, if it wasn't for the very confusing plot that can only be understand by FF7 fans.
'A very confusing plot?' You give AC far too much credit. I don't recall there being a plot. Just <2 hours of Paper-thin Sephiroths fighting Cloud with the occasional cameo from every character in the original game. Even the ones that clearly died. I especially adore how when Rufus tries to explain his survival, Cloud shouts him down. Why bother explaining what is too ridiculous to explain, after all?

Despite being made by a game company, Advent Children is as much of, if not more of a cash-in than game to movie conversions have ever undergone. It's one big long fan-service movie that works so long as your Brain has a low melting temperature when exposed to epilepsy inducing sword-fights. Or video 'games' that take 50 or so hours to complete.
XD Advent Children's plot wasn't overly confusing, it was overly poor. It was a fan-service film and it's as simple as that.

Edit: Just realised kupo artist said practically the same thing... :oops:
Lupus Inu said:
lol @ AC has a hard to follow plotline, probably because you had a hard time finding one. >_>
Indeed. Finding Advent Children's plotline is hard in the same way that it was hard for the UN to find WMDs in Iraq.

Advent Children was a MAJOR disappointment for me. Best part was hearing the same music from the games (but better!) and Tifa being a little CG hottie. >_>