Why is there no wrestling topics on this forum???

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WTFDaveMustaine said:
I'm not 10 anymore.
That about sums it up, plus it completely sucked as soon as The Rock and Stone Cold left, The Undertaker and Kane vanished too, dunno whether they left.

I havent watched it in ages except when I watched a bit from youtube when I was in the mood for watching mindless pre-planned violence.
i don't think though that many of us are interesting in wrestling now, there is a few yeah, but to be honest, i've never found it interesting at all :?
SelphiexZellFAN said:
well you can get a wrestler topic in random xD because this website is mostly for anime o_o

Yeah if you want one just make a thread for it, after all, "can you smell what the....... oh damn it whats my line again...... This script is just too complicated for me, thats it Mcmahon I quit I'm gonna go do real acting in the movies"
brynthaboss said:
so whats that got to do with why there isn't a wrestling board or topic on these forums

Simple. Because wrestling is S**te.

I mean god, are there really that many 11 year olds on here???
No good personalities, no more Hardy Boys or Dudley boys, no rock, no Kurt Angle, No more Eddie Guerreo (Bless his soul)

You get the idea, plus its not that interesting anymore, I mean on smackdown they keep going back to eddie's death i mean arent they surposed to move away from this? I mean when the british bulldog died they didnt keep using his name oin storylines to get a fan reaction.
No good personalities, no more Hardy Boys or Dudley boys

Now those guys were worth watching, many a night in uni did me and my housemates watch the 1am pay-per-view events for these guys. Tried watching it a few weeks ago and all the characters (lets face it characters is a much better name that sportsmen or as WWE calls them 'heroes') are the same no originality like the Dudleys
Chris said:
brynthaboss said:
so whats that got to do with why there isn't a wrestling board or topic on these forums

Simple. Because wrestling is S**te.

I mean god, are there really that many 11 year olds on here???
Does it count if I have the mental age of an eleven year old at times?

+ I <3 U for telling the truth so directly.
brynthaboss said:
not heroes mate superstars. i guess you wasnt a fan of wrestling then you just liked the high spots of their matches

God, everyone get ready. It's decended into wrestling elitism and handbags at 10 paces.
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